20.06.2016 Feature Article

Your Vision Determines The Future

Your Vision Determines The Future
20.06.2016 LISTEN

His answer left me in a crouching stance. It was only a harmless question lingering in the thoughts of an over-ambitious lad. Dusk had already set in, I accompanied my uncle to a public loo. On our way back, I asked him this simple question: what took the attention of our grannies from owning properties in suburbs like Adum, East Legon, Cantonments et al at a time when it was seemingly cheaper and easy to buy off? He answered in a Ghanaian's conventional way: what is stopping you also from acquiring those properties you can buy for a song today when they'd hot cakes some years to come? That was the sad end of our conversation. This happened six years ago.

In the face of the many 'why(s)' and 'how come(s)', what must we do to give posterity no a reason to point accusing fingers at us? I have since cut the oldies some slack. My intuition tells me it's one thing to see a phenomenon and it's another to see a vision through that particular phenomenon. This is not to suggest our forefathers and mothers lived their moments on plain field. Whatever they were able to achieve were a matter of how far their vision(s) could carry them.

Our generation from an angle of elevation appear to be brooding over 'it's their fault' rather than bequeathing to posterity a legacy they can forever boast of. When you always prostate under a cushion of blame coverlet, there is little you can offer to redeem the situation. Men and women of our time should understand the baton has been handed over to us already, where our predecessors left off is of no primal concern, where we land at with the baton is what matters now.

I don't know who thinks he must fail because his predecessors failed; I come to you with this message. It is a defeatist approach you're romanticizing. Reset the setup. Success is not about which ladder you stood on to attain greater heights, it is the ladder you help put before others to rise to the occasion.
