08.05.2016 Feature Article

Business Isn't About What You Learn In Class; It's All About Passion, Innovation And Excellence

Business Isn't About What You Learn In Class; It's All About Passion, Innovation And Excellence
08.05.2016 LISTEN

I'm privileged to be reading UCC's flagship programme of study, Bachelor of Commerce. And I recently asked a programme mate of mine, a first-class student, "Have you heard that Saudi Arabia has threatened to liquidate $750 billion worth of US assets if America passes the 9/11 Bill. Do you know the implications on the global economy?" His simple response was, "No..." I tell you, business in today's sophisticated world is not about what you learn in class. It actually has some three fundamental principles, namely passion, innovation and excellence. Surprisingly, most people believe that pursuing higher academic qualifications in business will result in one's business success. Oh really? That's a near fallacy, because the dynamics of contemporary business in our globalised world have refuted that popular notion.

Now let's get down to the nitty-gritty of passion. I have always maintained that, "You don't need capital to start a business or to become an entrepreneur. All you need is passion." As business students, we have been culturally taught not to initiate any business activity until we have the capital to do so. However, I strongly disagree because I am an embodiment of passion in the business of writing. I have no laptop, money capital, an office, and the like yet I keep winning in the field of writing? Why? My rare passion makes me take risks, make sacrifices, defy the odds and dare to be different, all of epic proportions. That is one of my priceless secrets in the business of writing.

Also, innovation is so crucial to business in this 21st Century. Forget mere academic qualifications in business, innovation remains the bedrock of influentially successful companies. For innovation really pays off in the world of business. Okay, priceless innovation has the overriding capacity to enable a passionate entrepreneur to make a huge fortune. Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook is a typical example. And how can I forget the inspiring story of Hyperactive Ghana? They are made up of teenage undergraduates in Ghanaian universities who are alumni of St. Augustine's College. They are not business students, but their innovative services in social media marketing have helped them to grow and expand in their industry. Indeed, yours truly is so proud of Hyperactive Ghana.

Moreover, excellence is one of the most important qualities of any truly successful businessperson. Aristotle, the eminent philosopher, once opined that, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." Many readers of mine wonder how my writing works look superlative in nature though I do not have higher classroom lessons on the art of writing. Folks, there is nothing magical about being excellent in your area. "Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better," according to Pat Riley. So if you desire to be a notable champion in your field of endeavour, don't merely acquire academic qualifications - these prove that you are only good at exams. Practise your craft constantly with the aim of becoming better and emerging as the best eventually. Need I say more?

Besides, what you learn in class about business cannot automatically make you efficient in the world of business. Let your hallmarks be passion, innovation and excellence if you just started implementing a business idea, and you are guaranteed greatness. Read well, a lot and wide about contemporary business in our technologically advanced world. Well, I am looking forward to hiring some of my programme mates few years later to help me go global with my writing business. Only those with a great deal of informal education on wealth creation, business systems and financial strategy will be part of my winning team. This shows that I really mean business with the art of writing.

