19.04.2015 Feature Article

Caring For All Believers!!! Its Our United Obligation To The Lord

Caring For All Believers!!! Its Our United Obligation To The Lord
19.04.2015 LISTEN


Church building is the sole responsibility of The Triune God,He alone as the Author works in the believer to be filled and transformed back to the image and likeness as Himself,just as He FIRST created us.From Elders to Deacons,and ministering believers, we all are to serve at the tables of the LORD, doing different services (example by planting, watering, tilling, harvesting etc. etc.),with the God's giving gifts each one of us possess.This we do by cooperating with the Triune God and His ministering angels.If we see ourselves as such it will make greater sense and spiritual wisdom to humble ourselves as leading members of the church.This does not bi-little or demean us rather like Jesus Christ, we shall be rewarded beyond our expectation.However the proud will be humbled,(and the hired will have received their payment here on earth).

With such a favoured life-giving spirit, we will come to realise how evil our past deeds were, and therefore makes our new man's status even worthwhile. You will pray without ceasing that the Lord will save you from revisiting such smelly old lifestyle. V. 32 says partly that, ' it is not for your sake ( Israel) alone that I am doing this,'this confirms as I have restated earlier that, that was a type of God dealing with His people, which showed that God had us in mind even at that time. Our cleansing and tilling indicates that, the Lord has the ambition or in His economy the resolve to include, make us fertile, and increase as many people that He will have pre-destined to be His. In these people starting from Adam and Eve, He will eventually settle us all, and also dwell permanently in us, and we in Him.

V.35. In the initial part of this verse, in the Lord's recovery by life His people become like in the Garden of Eden, in which Christ as the tree of life is their rich supply (Gen.2:8-9). Every need of the Christian is fulfilled by Christ in God, leaving us with no needs what so ever.

Finally in this verse we hear the Lord intend to increase His Church, the House of the Body Of Christ with men like a flock (meaning He will call many as the flock onto Himself? Body of Christ). The reasons we don't have to fight over the spreading of the local churches is that many shall be gained to the Lord. It may not so much matter from which locality or under which elders these believers will be worshipping the Lord, as much as, they remain in the brotherhood and most importantly in the Lord Jesus Christ. For when we remain in our spirit under the directions of the Spirit of God it does and will not matter, Jesus Christ will reign supreme all the same on us, parts of His United Person. When we deal personally with Christ, each one of us, and as a result will become one with Christ/God, seals us in the Oneness. Remember the (Throne of God),Spirit of Christ we are told resides in or mingled with our spirit.

Our prayer without ceasing is that such believers don't deviate or backslide, and by so doing depart from the Lord. Prayer is very pivotal in our dealing in the spiritual economy of God.So as I have stated above, the Lord promised to increase our number with men like a flock, but we need to pray for this and ask Him to do it for us (cf Luke 10:2).

What does the vision of the Dry Bones and the Two Sticks in Ezekiel mean to you?

Without the shadow of a doubt, we know 'that I am that I am' though a Spirit is a Person but being Omnipotent, and Omnipresent God, does know what He intends doing long before it happens. And to make things easier for the humanity He has provided us His 'Word' and His Spirit mingled with our spirit is able to inform us of events,and when they will and do occur. Hence our knowledge from the entire Holy Bible can be of immense help. Our ceaseless pray-reading the scriptures, exercising our spirits do bring us constantly in touch with God and also helps us communicate with Him. We do know that ceaseless communications helps cements and sooth our relationships the Triune God and fellow believers.

Chapter 37:1-28 shows how God keeps regenerating and renewing of His People. In vs.1-7 we learn of the dead, dry, and scattered bones being formed into a formidable army capable of being used by God. This army God needs to use to defeat His enemy and his demons. And so starting from (v.1), let us see from chapter 34; it portrays God's recovery of His people by life outwardly through His coming as the Shepherd to seek His lost sheep and bring them back to their own land. And in chapter 36 we also learn of God's inward recovery by life by giving His people a new heart and a new spirit and putting His Spirit within them. Now touching on chapter 37, where we are at the moment, It reveals how God's Spirit enters into His people in order to enliven them that they may become a cooperate Body formed into an army and built up to be God's dwelling place.

The vision of the dry bones shows that before God came in to renew and regenerate us, we were not only sinful and filthy (36:25) but also dead and buried in 'graves' of various sinful, worldly, and religious things (vv.12-13). We indeed were like dead and dry bones, disjointed and scattered, having no oneness,(Touching on the issue of oneness, it's often disheartening to see people of the same religious denomination, disagreeing profoundly on their own religious tenets, becoming bitter if not worst enemies, to the extent of requiring the heathen courts to sorts out their differences).But the Lord is the Saviour of the dead (John 5:25; Eph. 2:1-8).You can be a religious person and dead without becoming a Christian. Who therefore is a Christian? Can I leave you to do your own research hopefully the Spirit of Christ may guide you to arrive at the deserving and truthful definition. Many may be in cults now than in the Body of Christ, having not known Christ personally, therefore Christ does not acknowledge them as His own. They may be following a cult figure parading Himself as a follower of Christ. I do hope those who seek Christ will find Him while it is yet still day.

Stay in the House of the Lord,where the Great Physician is,look for the Lord now as time and opportunities still remain reachable.In the Body of Christ, miracle,money,wealth and poverty is not the ultimate but Christ is.

Be with you during the next sharing if the Lord so wills.
