22.07.2013 Feature Article

Simple Ideas To Get To Transform Tiny Ghana

Simple Ideas To Get To Transform Tiny Ghana
22.07.2013 LISTEN

Ghana is a small country and what's needed to transform this tiny country is not billions or rocket science, it's just creative, futuristic and revolutionary ideas, couple with the best of leadership and the will to get the right things done. Therefore here are few points that can you change Ghana if you have the authority to:

1. The relocation of the markets in Central Accra, to locations outside and less prone to traffic, this is basic but vital if Accra is to be the financial hub of Ghana. The benefits is staggering

2. Increasing the tax coverage by enforcing the need to sell in mandated areas, sheds and stores.

3. The need for members of parliaments to live in their communities

4. Outlaw the use of motorcades by just anybody who can afford it

5. Having project specific budgets, for example, a whole year's budget could be just for the development of roads.

6. Enforcing vehicle evaluation, all smoking vehicles should be of the streets, must the masses die because of poor planning and corruption?

7. Have a national free help line for reporting infrastructural problems such as falling bill boards and defective traffic lights, a simple short code could do.

8. Fast tracking the cashless economy ,for example tax collection system should be cashless, this will ultimately ensure we run a cash less economy and reduce corruption, and tax collectors should be paid on a commission based system

9. Privatization of markets, for better supervision, control and management, these markets will serve as point of educating the masses, and this will reduce the fires, disease and dirt

10. Enforcing the respecting of property rights
11. The need to circulate the staff at corruption-prone institutions such as the lands registry and other areas

12. Using political will to destroy, unlawful structures and slumps

13. Heads must roll, people should be punished for non-performance, the Ashiaman saga is a case in point, who was held responsible, who has lost their job?

14. Leaders should have some sense of beauty, look at the dirt and filth on our so called ceremonial roads, beggars, broken rails, fliers, falling flag poles, unkempt lawns, and flower beds, pot holes, non-existent pavement, how can we even encourage tourism like this?

15. Investing in the department of parks and gardens, this is a great area for job creation and the promotion of tourism

16. Run departments like profit centers of private organizations

17. Provide social support for mentally sick people, there are too many dangerous and needy people on our main streets

18. At least have hawker-free streets
The above ideas are simple basic ideas that will transform Ghana, and the leaders having the will to implement such will be remembered like the Nkrumah and Kuffour; leaders who it seems had a vision for a better Ghana and the will and creativity to bring about change. We do not need billions or rocket scientist to change this tiny country.
