28.11.2011 Feature Article

TB Joshua's Response To HIV Medication

TB Joshua's Response To HIV Medication
28.11.2011 LISTEN

In last days churches have been known for their pastor's, sermons, buildings, choirs, but not as much as for God's POWER TO HEAL THE HURTING SICK PEOPLE…While all these things are great, but sick people are suffering, healing is the glory of the church, but it's HEALTH to the hurting sick people.

TB Joshua always says, “Man can be sick in the body and yet be a friend of God.” We all agree that sickness came because of sin, and there would be none of it in heaven. Jesus brings healing. Jesus doesn't bring sickness yet He does use foolish things at times to accomplish His purpose, and sickness is one of them. Healing, not sickness glorifies Jesus the most.

There has always been an attack on healing ministry especially in the area of medicine. At times healing ministries will go to the extreme of rejecting and telling people to stop using medicine. There are stories of many people whom God healed without use of any medicine, so is there are stories of people who died because of refusal to use medicine. Where is the balance? Again, TB Joshua, the person that God uses mightily in healing, has said it beautifully, “Doctors Treat; Jesus Heals. God is God of nature. Medicine is natural.” He even went as far as to say that his household, and the church, and friends of ministry all, benefit from medicine.

Medicine treats natural sickness, but some sicknesses are as result of curses or even direct demonic attack. Medical science is completely powerless against spiritual forces. Medicine has been great help in curing, helping to fight natural diseases, but sicknesses that have demons behind them, only the name of Jesus, blood of Jesus, fire of Holy Ghost can overcome!!!

Healing is so needed today; it brings help to the hurting, but also, it fuels the faith of believers in the power of their God. One thing we must not forget is that miracles help some people and for others, they are stumbling block. Remember, SAME SUN THAT MELTS BUTTER, HARDENS THE CLAY…Same power of God in life of Moses, delivered Israel out of bondage, and made Pharaoh's heart so HARD. Miracles, healing's, and deliverances help believers with their faith but for skeptic and critic, they fuel his pride…HOW SAD

Below is the clip of the short message by TB Joshua about Healing & Medicine. Enjoy!

Source: Hungry Generation
