Tue, 15 Aug 2017 Feature Article

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?
15.08.2017 LISTEN

This is an ancient question that every person who ever lived asked at one time. This is one of the most difficult questions in all of theology. ‘Why would a God who is all-good, all-knowing, and all-powerful allow bad things to happen to his good people?’ It does not make sense, does it?

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. [II Cor. 4:17.] Psalm 30:5 AMP

I believe the correct answer to the question is not meant to make sense, because it would involve eternity. The correct answer is beyond our senses. It’s a question that if God answers you, you will not understand his answer because His answer is in a different dimension. You will not comprehend it. When God answers most people will be not ready, or not listening, or too absorbed in their misery to hear God’s voice.

Nevertheless these questions still remain. How could God let this happen to me? Why wouldn't God help me and stop this pain? I am His child. Why do bad things happen to good people?

Today I have a different perspective to this question. Perhaps you should be asking, ‘What must good people do when bad things happen?’ ‘If I believe that I am a good person, then what must I do when bad things happen to me?’ This is a question that gets attention from God because this question demands actions of obedience from us. You cannot demand answers from God on your own terms and expect to get them. However if you ask for direction He will give you. If you ask for clarity it will be provided.

God wants you to take action not to cry and howl like everyone else. So which question are you going to ask: “Why do bad things happen to good people?”, or “What must good people do when bad things happen?”

It is better to take two steps in the right direction than a kilometre in the wrong way.

Few times I also went through terrible times. Dark agonising times that threatened even the foundations of my faith. When you are in this situation you seem to see the bad guys having party after party. And you ask yourself, ‘But I am the good guy here. I have lived all my life according to the book. Following your will with all that I have.’ In this moment you will be tempted to question your significance and your relevance.

In pitch darkness two illuminated steps are worth more than a kilometre.

Surrounded by darkness, God challenged me to ask ‘a better question.’ This is the question I asked, ‘What do good people do when bad things happen to them?’ It was answered by a very small light showing two steps ahead. In pitch darkness a small light means a lot and two steps are worth more than a kilometre. After these two steps, you will see the next two steps. This would continue day after day. With time you will find that you have walked a kilometre in the right direction, two steps a day. As seasons pass I began to see that I was in a tunnel and the light at the end of the tunnel became visible.

This series will continue next time in part two (of three) as How could God let this happen to me?

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Taka Sande, is an author, an entrepreneur and development activist. He has a passion for making a difference by influencing and adding value to people’s lives. He is the founder of the blog It’s My Footprint, /.
