Wed, 10 Aug 2016 Feature Article

The Butterflies That Fly At Night

The Butterflies That Fly At Night
10 AUG 2016 LISTEN

The sunrise gives hope to many. To the trees, it's time to eat well, to the waters, it's time shed off some cold but to a section on mankind, it's a great worry. It's time to wonder and wander. It's time not to sleep but descend the steep. It's to get out of every hole to make one's life whole and to most, it's time to get their hopes high that positive change is not too far from happening.

But eventually, the sun goes down and though it settles the troubles of few under their pillows, it awakens most that the hope and light the sun gives can equally be given by the moon. To them, man's got to survive no matter what by whatever means. I call them *The Butterflies that Fly at Night*.

Before the "holier than thous" descend on me, they should take a second and ask themselves what they have done to help. The difference between evil and good is subjective. The same society that defines good, creates evil by neglecting issues of importance. The world suffers not for the action of the evil but for the silence of the good who could have changed things.

In recent times, armed robbery has been on an enormous hike. Man lives in uncertainty as to when he will be the next victim. Even the culprit becomes a victim sometimes. The world is no more a safe haven for the "holier than thous" give words instead of deeds. Even the holy Bible says that faith without works is dead so why then will u rather preach faith when in the end you do no deed to uplift that faith. I get sad when some pastors device different strategies to extract monies from the very poor that sometimes fly at night. In the end, they get richer in wealth and preach hope and faith in words.

The Butterflies will continue to fly until the right things are done. What has society done either than criticise? What has the religious bodies done either than exchange words with wealth. The Butterflies that fly at night will continue to fly until they are seen more as domestic breeds that need shelter, love, food and etc that the wild that need to hunt always.

I took a sharp turn backwards. I thought the images I saw were blur and needed to see well. To me, I saw beyond the skimpy dresses and looks. I saw future leaders who's future has been shattered by the society and bad governance of hungry politics who only see the thumb as the most important part of human and nothing else.

I saw beautiful mentors that could mentor a whole generation to safety but have been led on the wrong path. I saw people who have been neglected by the same society that judges them. Ask yourself, do you really have the right to judge the butterflies that fly at night? Answer that after weighing what you have done to help.

Together we stand, divided we fall. Instead of being armchair advisors, let us all rise and help. Do the little you can to save a future.

*I am Mercy Asamani a.k.a Mercedes and I write to speak on societal issues.*

*You can check out my blog, and email me @[email protected], 0263640914*
