
Russian Investors Seek Business Partners In Ghana

By  Kester Kenn Klomegah, Moscow
Diaspora News Russian Investors Seek Business Partners In Ghana
JUL 11, 2016 LISTEN

A number of Russian companies and enterprises have shown high interest in investing some economic sectors especially in agriculture, finance, energy, oil and gas exploration, as well as engaging in export business to Ghana barely more than a month after the participating in the Russia-Ghana business forum that was held in May in Moscow.

The Russian companies, in separate interviews, said they were interested in investing in Ghana which is one of the countries with the best investment climate and believe that there could be a lot of possibilities to continue expanding their operations to other regions.

Over the years, Ghana has had a stable economy and sound political environment and its transport network make the country one of the most preferred destinations for investment capital and for doing business and also useful to use as a gateway to penetrate the west African region that consists of 15 countries and other parts in Africa.

Artur Khalikov, representative of LLC Trade House Bashkirian Chemistry who attended the business forum, told the media in an interview that his company was interested in Ghana – Russian business, particularly in the agricultural sector and could offer sodium bicarbonate for users and producers of animal feed, premixers, farmers and so forth.

“So far as there is only one producer of sodium bicarbonate in Africa (in Egypt), we think that our product is also interesting for local users. We are going to look for local partners in Ghana,” Khalikov said assertively. “We are increasing our production capacities for sodium bicarbonate and soda ash each year and at the moment we can offer 3,000-5,000 metric tonnes of sodium bicarbonate for African market.”

For a start, LLC Trade House Bashkirian Chemistry plans to focus on promoting manufactured products such as sodium bicarbonate, soda ash light and calcium chloride, and further providing agricultural services for the market in Africa.

LLC Trade House Bashkirian Chemistry, however, envisages to face some challenges and competition from Asian countries such as China, India, Western and European countries that are already active in some African countries.

“We do understand that we are selling commodities and competition is severe, but we believe that our superior quality and good service will help us to get a good share of the market,” Khalikov

In his assessment, the other most attractive markets are Egypt, Tanzania, Kenya, Tunis, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa, adding that “Africa is strategically an important market for developing cooperation and business partnership with local companies.”

Since the creation of the company, the company has had considerable successes and achievements in foreign countries. And now LLC Trade House Bashkirian Chemistry is expanding its presence in export markets. In the past, it sold products mostly in Russia and CIS countries, now targeting deliveries to Africa, India, Turkey, Middle East and Latin America.
