27.03.2016 Feature Article

Women And Dressing, A Curtain Raiser For Pelvic Diseases

Women And Dressing, A Curtain Raiser For Pelvic Diseases
27.03.2016 LISTEN

Much of the feebleness which is suffered by women is the result of improper clothing of the extremities. Congestion of the pelvic organs can lead to cervicitis, dysmenorrhea, cervical polyps and malposition of the uterus. During pregnancy the placenta may not get a sufficient circulation of blood. As a result of a sluggish exchange of blood, the development of the fetus may be retarded. Vitality is expended unnecessarily to supply heat that is lost with insufficient clothing. Usually, proper dress also demands warm underclothing. Absorptive cotton for underclothing, not synthetic fabrics, are often required to meet all the various needs of the body.
