10.10.2015 Feature Article

An Awesome Prayer Worth Emulating

An Awesome Prayer Worth Emulating
10.10.2015 LISTEN

An Awesome Prayer Worth Emulating
9 And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren; and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bare him with sorrow.

10 And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested. (1 Chronicles 4:9-10).

Today I share the powerful prayer of Jabez with readers. It is loaded with profound insights and lessons for every believer. He was a descendant of King David who was described as “a man after God’s own heart.”

Jabez (he causes pain) had a difficult start in life. His mother gave him that name because of the excruciating pain she went through while giving birth to him. The word sorrow as used in the scriptures might mean suffering, sadness, distress, disappointment, despondency, anguish, grief, and the like.

In spite of the fact that his name was associated with sorrow, he was described as being more honourable than his brothers. You are said to be honourable when you are very much respected and held in high esteem by others.

Most probably Jabez was a morally upright person. He also lived righteously to the admiration of the people of his day. His prayer revealed his faithfulness and spiritual connection with God. He might have learned a lot of lessons from the life of David who was himself a prayer giant.

When dissatisfied with the situation in your life, prayer remains a potent weapon, your spiritual missile and dynamite for breaking the chains holding you down. That was what Jabez did.

Let’s take note of his prayer request.
He asked God to bless him and enlarge his coast (land).In effect he asked to be blessed spiritually and materially. Land is a symbol of wealth and riches.

He also asked for protection so that he would not be harmed by his enemies. God will keep you from evil if his hand is with you. Your protection against grief, crisis and sorrow is to pray for God’s hand to be with you.

Did God hear his prayer? Was his prayer answered?
Bible says, “And God granted him that which he requested.”

Friend, be like Jabez. What sorrowful situation are you in? What life’s battles are you fighting? What is weighing you down that there is no peace in your life?

You must never live your life in misery. Like Jabez, you can terminate every problem in your life with fervent prayer. God will hear and answer your prayer if it is offered with a sincere heart. You can make a breakthrough with prayers and good things will begin to happen. When your life overflows with good things, laughter will be your lot and life will not become difficult for you again.

Related to prayer is the need to live righteously. Deal honestly with God and with your fellow man. Be a loving person and treat everybody with courtesy.

Be faithful to God by keeping his commandments. Make it your habit to diligently search the scriptures to understand the mysteries and promises of the eternal Father.

Jabez used prayer to succeed; you can do the same.
Until I come your way next week with another insightful message, have an amazing weekend with the Weekend Finder.

Yours in inspiration,
Abundant Robert AWOLUGUTU
Correction Officer, Priest & Author.
Cell: 0208 455 296.
