Thu, 21 May 2015 Feature Article

The Crown Bite

The Crown Bite
21.05.2015 LISTEN

This paper seek is to create a room for thinking aloud and providing a new pathway for future voting, if only we seek for positive economic development that establishes an enabling environment for industrial growth in Ghana.

I think for a while, leadership and management position as an office has been misapplied in our political ecosystem of Ghana, however to strengthen my case, will state the clear definition of both offices and their role.

A Leader is a person who directs and controls a group, organization or a country (Long Man Dictionary, 2003)

The Manager is a person who set goals for the group and decides what work needs to be done to meet these goals. He further divides the work into manageable activities and selects people to accomplish the tasks that need to be done. (

In governance both offices work simultaneously, it should be clearly understood that our journey through economic studies and practice as a social science becomes just theorist lacking realistic transformation to society when behavioural component of human actions are ignored due to uneasiness to scientifically quantify it effect.

I am of the opinion that, if we do not begin to focus on constructive criticism that define alternative and best solutions to the tragedy engulfed in the economic climate of Ghana, even a new voted political party will come in to add-up to the failure of the system and shift blame to the formal.

In my opinion, to vote clearly for economic development should focus on the following;

  1. Do the political party, seeking to be in power understand the difference between leadership and management system
  2. Is their leadership role, well planned and structured in accordance to constitutional order
  3. Do their economic management team really understand the state of affairs presently
  4. Do the Political Party have a well defined goals to achieve in the 1st and 2nd Term of office which are in accordance to the interest of the masses
  5. Is their Manifesto realistic, which itemizes their economic development plan couple with set up target to be achieved, with a clearly defined action plan to the fulfilment of set goals
  6. Do the Political Party have well build up men and women with the right kind of knowledge and experience to achieve such set-up target

Such should be the measurement of our voting pattern for economic development to avoid leadership with their parties changing players randomly for state duties. What could a coach do on the playing field when he is not clear of his playing tactics prior to the starting of the foot ball match?

This business of government is not a joke for jokers. It a serious institution that needs serious business like minded to run state of affairs.

  1. We need to understand that, if we vote because of Beauty then the state will be run under fashion and showbiz
  2. If we vote because of discipline then the state will be run militarily.
  3. If we vote for our pocket and self interest then the state will be run under corruption
  4. If we vote because of best in communication, then the state will be run by Sales gurus focused in selling message to achieve their aim not interested about the impact.
  5. If we vote for law and order then the state will be run by lawyers and judges
  6. If we vote for economic development then the state will be run by economist for a change.

For whatever a man sows is what he reaps. So we need to know our priorities as the citizens and vote for the political party that is in-line with our desires as citizens and business men &women within a certain period of time. Because man desires is never constant and as it changes we vote for Political parties that meet our criteria and standards in achieving our goals as a nation within a specific period of time.

#Love Ghana
# Think about the Economic Development of Ghana
# Play your role for mother Ghana
# Businesses need a suitable Economic Environment to grow

Tweneboah Senzu, PhD.
Senior Fellow Bastiat Ghana Institute
