19.05.2015 Feature Article

Don't Twist The Facts My Dear Political Power Seekers

Don't Twist The Facts My Dear Political Power Seekers
19.05.2015 LISTEN

I have decided to take part in the recent "halahala" about the operations of the National Health Insurance Scheme. I must state categorically clear that, this article seeks to approach this important subject matter with a very real sense of objectivity.

The NHIS was established by an act of parliament in 2003 (act 650) and was revised in 2012 ( act 852). The main objective was to as it were, provide accessible and affordable health care in a very more innovative and creative way. It had replaced the then " cash and carry system". It has gone through a lot of transformation over the years. The state had anticipated the challenges ahead as the policy develops.

The international Labour Office in 2005, indicated clearly on its report that, the policy shall face a financing gab because of the growing trend of resourse utilization as against financial resources . The report also indicated that, the policy was not sustainable beyond five years (by 2010) and thereby, would need financial reinjection.

The recent problems facing the policy cannot be blamed on government as some communicators want some innocent Ghanaians to believe. The issues are twisted perhaps to score cheap political propaganda.

We must reshape our political discourse by simply saperating politics from policies. We are over romancing this important issues bordering our very existence. The common knowledge is that, there is a competitive demand on the national cake. That, all must understand. Despite all the challenges facing the scheme, it has seen a lot of face lift to suggest that, we can achieve more with collective efforts.

The NHIS is a leading international model that, other countries are learning from. Some of the countries are: South Africa, Tanzania, Nigeria, Liberia, Ethopia, Benin, Congo among others. The scheme has seen a lot of innovations since 2009. Some few are;

1. We now have a biometric registration which comes with instant ID cards.

2. It has a modern data base
3. Free maternal care has been streamlined
4. Establishment of cetre of universal health coverage.

5. We now have an electronic claims system.
The development are numerous to enumerate. What some politicians do is selective discourse to seek political attentions by throwing dust into the eyes of the citizenry. A lot of communicators in an attempt to soil the reputation of government, continously base their arguement on the accrued arrears owed to service providers. For the records, all arrears have been cleared up to December 2014.

It is expectant that, government shall soon pay all 2015 arrears. Remember it also takes three month period to process claims payments.

We must a matter of fact do intellectual discourse on how we can substain the policy than injecting partisanship into this important policy.

It is a common knowledge that, every policy comes with its impediments but transform over time under proper monitoring and evaluation. It is too much politics instead of policies that has been stagnating the rate of development of our economy.

I am calling on government and all stakeholders to remain committed to the substainability of the policy and ignore the cacophony of empty noise from self seeking politicians.

I believe there shall be light at the end of the tunnel.

Denis Andaban (Concerned Citizen)
[email protected] .
