22.04.2015 Press Release

From Orphanage To The White House, May 2,2015

By Marie Claudine Mukamabano
Marie ClaudineMarie Claudine
22.04.2015 LISTEN

FROM ORPHANAGE TO WHITE HOUSE: Rwandan Genocide Orphan Survivor Marie Claudine Mukamabano Scheduled to be at the 17TH ANNUAL WHITE HOUSE PRAYER ON SATURDAY, MAY 2, 2015

Mukamabano, an orphan survivor of the 1994 Rwandan genocide, is invited to speak at the “White House Prayer 2015” which is scheduled for Saturday, May 2 from 10:00a.m. to 6:00p.m. at “The Ellipse” in Washington, DC. Members of the clergy, interfaith business and community leaders from across the region of the United States will be attendance.

After losing her parents, sister, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, loved ones, friends, classmates, and fellow countrymen during the Rwandan Genocide, Ms. Marie Claudine’s Catholic faith inspired her to seek the answer to the question of KUKI NDIHO — Why Do I Exist, in her native tongue. This question now serves as the name of her organization, Why Do I Exist/ Kuki Ndiho Rwanda Orphans Support Project , which she established in 2005 to raise awareness on the genocide in Rwanda, help survivors, and aid orphans of HIV. (For more information or to provide any donation to support this humanitarian effort, please visit )

White House Prayer 2015 will be a day of Blessings and Joy. The primary purpose of this initiative is to pray for the President and his Administration. More importantly, understanding that the foundation upon which the United States exists was born out of the hard work, endurance and commitment of immigrants. Their tremendous contributions within various areas of government, business, clergy, education, immigration, medicine and law continue to build this nation. The Prayer has fervently continued over the years under the Clinton, Bush and currently President Obama’s Administrations.

MUKAMABANO is the Author of an Audio Book, ” THE POWER OF SOCIAL MEDIA: Be Yourself! Change Somebody’s Life Today!”, an excellent resource for every person who seeks to maximize the use of social media to change the lives of others. In her book, Ms. Mukamabano describes the potential growth each person has to expand a company and bring it to a level beyond one’s imagination. She offers her life’s work as an example in a thrilling, entertaining, and exciting matter. In her audio book, no one will leave disappointed, but be empowered to effectively use social media.

The 2015 African Achieve Award nominee in South Africa,

The 2014 ‘Impact Maker in Development on the African continent

” Before I begin, I would like to thank Marie Claudine Mukamabano, for gracing us with such a moving song “ . Said ; UN Secretary – General Ban Ki- moon’s remarks at fifteenth commemoration of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda in New York, 7 April 2009

