12.12.2014 Feature Article

Prophet Yusuf [Joseph] -- A Prisoner, A Dream Analyst And Finally A King Of Egypt [2]

Prophet Yusuf Joseph -- A Prisoner, A Dream Analyst And Finally A King Of Egypt 2
12.12.2014 LISTEN

"He said: My Lord! I Prefer the Prison to compliance with their bidding: and if you turn not away their snares from me, I may perchance yearn towards them (out of youthful folly) and become one of the unwise." --- Qur'an chapter 7 verse 33.

Prophet Yusuf [peace be upon him] found himself in a great trouble. As time passed by, the problems became more complicated. He prayed to Almighty Allah to grant him protection from those ladies. He wished to be in prison rather than indulging himself in abominable act. He desired to escape from the temptations of sexual instinct.

Allah accepted his prayer to shield him from evil temptations. The elite of the town noticed that their females were becoming ardent lovers of Prophet Yusuf. Although they knew that he had committed no crime yet they decided to imprison him, in order to avoid disturbance in their society. He remained in the prison for seven years and developed friendly relations with many prisoners. Two of them were taken into prison virtually the same time with Yusuf. One used to fetch water for Yusuf and the other one used to bake bread for him. They were accused of certain crimes, hence their incarceration. While in prison, he preached the religion of Allah and tried to reform the prisoners who were greatly impressed by his personality. One day two prisoners[those two king servants] saw strange dreams.

They came toProphet Yusuf and asked to interpret those dreams. One of them said: I saw in a dream that I was pressing wine. The other prisoner said: I saw in my dream that I was carrying a basket of bread on my head and the birds were eating from it. Prophet Yusuf asked them to wait until lunch time so that they might become anxious and listen to him attentively. At the appointed time Prophet Yusuf said: The one who was pressing wine will be set at liberty and he will serve wine to his master[king]. The other will be crucified for the crime, he had committed.

As Allah was giving the narrative account of this incident to his beloved Prophet Muhammad in Qur'an chapter 11:40, He says quoting Prophet Yusuf: “"O' my two fellow prisoners! As for one of you he shall pour out wine for his lord to drink and as for the other, he shall be executed and the birds shall eat from off his head. The matter is decreed concerning which you inquired."

Soon after the interpretations of those dreams turned out to be true. When the first man was about to leave the prison, Prophet Yusuf asked to remember him to the king. He did so as a self-respecting man without adopting any negative attitude. However upon getting released from the prison, the man who found deliverance forgot mentioning all about Prophet Yusuf to his lord. So he had to linger in the prison for a few more years. He continued praying and teaching goodness in the prison. One day, the king of Egypt dreamt that seven fat cows were eaten by seven thin cows and he also saw seven preen ears of corn and seven others that withered. The king wished to know the interpretation of that strange dream. Everyone was puzzled because no one could really say what it meant. Some of them thought that it was a passing dream.

The ex-prisoner suddenly remembered Prophet Yusuf and quickly informed the king about him, who was well versed in the art of analyzing and explaining dreams accurately. The king became quite curious and sent the man to see Prophet Yusuf in the prison. The man rushed towards him and tendered an apology for not speaking to the master about him in time. Then he asked him about the fantastic dream of the king. Prophet Yusuf said: You will sow for seven years diligently. There will be seven years of rich harvest in the country. It is better to store as much of the food stuff as possible because there will be a famine lasting for seven years. During this period of hardships, the preserved stores of grain shall be consumed except a little quantity. Afterwards there will be a year in which the farmers shall have heavy rains and bumper crops. They shall press grapes.

How Prophet Yusuf's Innocence was Established
The man sought permission to leave Prophet Yusuf, he granted him and he proceeded towards the king. He told him the interpretation of his dream in the presence of many courtiers. They were much astonished and surprised. The king was greatly impressed and expressed a keen desire to see him in person. He issued an immediate order to release Prophet Yusuf from the prison, but he refused to leave out of prison until he had his innocence established beyond all reasonable doubts. He told the king about the cruelty and injustice inflicted upon him without any fault. He wished to clear the blot of crime on his fair name. The king summoned the women who put Prophet Yusuf to inconvenience. They all confessed that he was quite innocent. The Holy Qur'an affirms this in chapter 7 verse 50 where Allah says :"They [women] said: Allah Blameless! We knew of no evil on his part. Thereupon the Chief's wife said: Now the truth has become established. I asked of him an evil act and he is surely of the truthful."

Prophet Yusuf as Director of Stores
The king was much impressed with Prophet Yusuf's nobility and intelligence. He therefore offered him an important position in his Government. He was appointed as the Director of Stores. The Holy Qur'an chapter 1 verse 54-55 says:"He [the king] said: Surely from this day you shall be with us invested with rank and trust. Then he [Yusuf] said: Set me over the store houses of the land. Surely I am a skilled custodian [knowing well my duties].

Prophet Yusuf worked efficiently and managed the affairs of the king's palace until he won a good name as an officer and became powerful in the land.

Meanwhile, his father Prophet Ya'qubwas awfully unhappy. He missed his beloved son very much. He was assured by Almighty Allah that he would see his son again. Those envious brothers of the Prophet Yusuf grew in age and kept remembering the mischievous trick which they had played upon him. It was a highly shameful act. Now Palestine was also in the grip of dreadful famine. There was an acute dearth of food. The family of ProphetYa'qubwas passing through the most straitened circumstances. They heard that Egyptians had huge stock of food stuff, were it was being sold it at reasonable rates. The sons of the Prophet Ya'qub then prepared a caravan and went to Egypt to purchase grain.

Prophet Yusuf's Brothers went to Egypt and bought Food after a heavy drought

When they reached Egypt Prophet Yusuf recognized his brothers immediately and his heart was beating violently. He did not remind them of the cruelty inflicted upon him. He did not disclose his identity. He showed kindness to them and furnished them with provision at a very fair price. They felt highly obliged because of his noble behavior. Before their departure, he said: If you come back, bring with you a younger brother of yours from your father's side. If my request is not complied with, I shall sell you no more grain.

They came back home after a tiresome journey. They told their father that the custodian of the food stores in Egypt had expressed a keen desire to see their younger brother. On hearing this, ProphetYa'qub'sface became tense and worried. He did not like the same thing happen to his other son. He hesitated to allow Yusuf's brother to accompany them. Because of his previous bitter experience he could not trust them. They in the long run convinced him after giving him a firm covenant in Allah's name that they would bring back the brother of Yusuf. When they opened the sacks of grain and were much surprised to find their money in it, it means he had returned their money back to them, without them knowing.

After many weeks, their second caravan reached Egypt and went directly to the main store-house. Prophet Yusuf greeted them with an open arms. Everyone was much pleased. There was a lot of hustle and bustle. Upon seeing his younger brother, Bunyameen [Benjamin], he took him aside and told him that he was Yusuf who was thrown into the well. His brother was much surprised and his joy knew no bounds. The Holy Qur'an narrativein chapter 7 verse 69 says:"And when they came into Yusuf's presence, he took his own brother aside with him saying: LO I am your brother. Therefore grieve not at what they do." (7:69)

How Yusuf Younger Brother Bunyameen was detained
Prophet Yusuf had certain plans in his mind. He furnished them with their provisions and asked one of his servants to put a drinking cup in their bag. As the caravan was about to depart, someone shouted! The king's silver drinking cup is missing. Everyone got puzzled. The brother of Prophet Yusuf upon him said: We are not thieves and we have not come here to make mischief. One of the Egyptians said: He who is found guilty, shall be detained here as penalty. All of them agreed upon the punishment, if found guilty. They began to search out the sacks of the customers. They found the missing drinking cup in the sack of the younger brother of Prophet Yusuf. It followed a great deal of excitement.

The brothers tried very hard to convince Prophet Yusuf not to detain their brother but he flatly refused. He asked them not to back out of their promise. They became upset. Their eldest brother decided not to go back to Prophet Ya'qubagain and face him with heart breaking news yet again. He stayed there and sent back his other brothers to inform the care-worn father of the whole situation. They went back and conveyed the most shocking news to their father. He displayed unshakeable patience and said [as in Qur'an chapter 12 verse 83:"So patience is most fitting for me. May Allah restore them all to me. Surely, He is the Knowing, the Wise."

Any how he directed his sons to go and seek tidings of the Prophet Yusuf and his younger brother for whom he used to yearn day and night. They went to Egypt again after a few weeks. This time they had scanty money. They requested Prophet Yusuf to help them in charity. They were dressed in rags, looking pathetic due to poverty. Allah states this in Qur'an chapter 12 verse 88 that:"And when they came back into the presence of Yusuf, they said: O' chief! Misfortune has afflicted us and our family and we have brought a small amount, so give us full measure and be charitable to us; Surely Allah loves charitable people."

Prophet Yusuf Helped his Brothers and Disclosed his Identity

Prophet Yusuf was well known for his generosity. He had a tender and sympathetic heart. He took pity on them. He helped them from the core of his heart. They had also sinking feelings inside. Soon after he disclosed his identity to his brothers. The Qur'an chapter 12 verse 90 affirms this when Allah reveals to Prophet Muhammad[PBUH] that: "He [Yusuf] said: I am Yusuf and this is my brother. Allah has shown us favor. Surely who fears Allah and endures, is rewarded for surely Allah does not waste the reward of those who do good."

Now everyone wished to be the first go immediately to their father to inform him of the happy news that Prophet Yusuf was alive. At the time of departure Prophet Yusuf, gave them his shirt and said[Qur'an chapter 12 verse 93 that:"Cast it on my father's face and he will recover his sight and come to me with all your family."

As soon as they set up off with their caravan out of Egypt, a miracle happened[as in Qur'an chapter 12 verse 94]: “And when the caravan departed[from Egypt], their father[Prophet Ya'qub] said, “Indeed, I find the smell of Joseph[and would say that he was alive] if you did not think me weakened in mind.” In spite of the long distance covered for the trip back home which took them eight days. Allah made it possible for him to smell his son's shirt. This according scholars, the wind had sort permission from it Lord[Allah] to take the smell of Prophet Yusuf shirt to his father by express means long before the arrival of his brothers, instead of leaving him in a snail and slow pace anticipation.

And when they reached home, Yahuz, one of the elder brothers of Yusuf who took the false and fake shirt of Prophet Yusuf smeared with blood to their fathers requested from his brothers to take the actual and accurate shirt of Prophet Yusuf to the father, in order to kind of expiate for the long sorrow and sadness he caused their father. The brothers came home in joy and happy spirit. And Yahuza put the shirt of Prophet Yusuf on the face of the Prophet Ya'qub as Prophet Yusuf instructed, and lo and behold, he miraculously regained his eye sight in a twinkling of an eye. He took a sigh of relief when he smelt the sweet perfume of Prophet Yusuf peace from his shirt. The brothers of Prophet Yusuf begged pardon of their father and he forgave them with an open heart.

This miraculous incident that restored Prophet Ya'qub's upon his close contact with the shirt of Prophet Yusuf now have a scientific backing. I remember from a literature a couple years back that, a western scientist, reflected deep into mystery behind the shirt that made Prophet had his eyes sight, by the will of Allah. He came to the realization that, because the shirt had some residue of Prophet Yusuf's sweat, His research established that there are some chemicalcomponents in human sweat left on clothing that could have the potential to cure blindness.

Prophet Ya'qub Reunited with Prophet Yusuf and the entire Family

They took their bags and baggage and set out on a long journey to Egypt. They were given a warm reception when they reached Egypt. Upon arrival in Egypt, Prophet Yusuf emerged in a huge entourage of thousands of people to welcome his family. Prophet Ya'qub upon looking over the crowd saw a man on top of a huge horse and said to his son Yahuza, whom he was leaning on as they walk[due to old age],”hazaaFirounMisra”, that “This is the Pharaoh of Egypt”. And Yahuza quickly replied him saying: “No! this is your son Yusuf. When he finally met him he said to him: “AssalamuAlikaYaaMazhabalAhzaan!,” that, “Peace be upon you, O the who wipes away sadness!”

The father, Prophet Ya'qub, met his son Yusuf after a long separation. Out of joy and excitement for seeing his father, he lifted both the father and his step-mother[since his mother died since he was a child] on the throne. And both parent together with his entire brothers prostrated to him. A simple of greetings in those days.

Yusuf at this juncture recalled what he told his father long time ago, since his childhood when he had that dream, as Allah stated in Qur'an chapter 12 verses 100-101, that: "O' my father! This is the interpretation of my old vision. My Lord has indeed made it to be true and He has shown me kindness. When He brought me forth from prison and brought you all from the desert even after Satan has sown [seeds of] dissension between me and my brothers. Surely my Lord is tender to whom He wills. Surely He is the Knowing, the Wise. O' my Lord! You have indeed given me [something] of the sovereignty and taught me of the interpretation of dreams--Creator of the heavens and the earth! You are my Protecting friend in this world and the Hereafter. Make me die submissive [unto You] and join me with the righteous".

And historian said, the period between the dream and its fulfilment, culminating into the real prostration of the entire family to him, as mention above took the span of four decades or forty years]. And Yusuf was seventeen years of age when his brothers threw him in the well[as I stated in the first part of this article last week], hence the period between the well incident and his reunion with his father was about eighty years. After having spent 24 years living with his beloved son Prophet Yusuf in Egypt, Prophet Ya'qub died at the age of 147. And Prophet Yusuf also lived for 23 years after the demise of his father and finally died at 120 years of age.

Readers could watch “Strong evidence for Joseph's Tomb and Palace in Egypt!”, by following this link below:

Prophet Yusuf interpreting dreams of those two of the king's prisoners

HusseiniYushauBabalWaiz, is the Research & Outreach Coordinator at the Center for Media & Peace Initiatives Inc. New York, Author of three books, including "Islam Promotes Tolerance & Prohibits Terrorism-Reviving the Islamic Advocacy of Mercy and Magnanimity to Mankind" & Tutor in Arabic & Islamic Studies in New York, [email protected].

NB: Folks, this is the eleventh in the new series entitled: "Delving Deep Inside the Islamic Historic Memory Lane", which will be running for months, even years, aimed at showcasing the amazing historical phenomena that happened in the pre and post Islamic world. Next week, our series will dwell thehistor of Prophet Ayub. .

So please read, comment, forward and share to as many people as possible on social media.

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