23.11.2014 Religion

A Choice To Be Made

23.11.2014 LISTEN
By Eze Uduma

Dear reader,

Many thanks to all who covertly or explicitly expressed concern towards the articles, which ceased over a period.

Tragedies are part of human experience that we often have no control over. Sometimes the nature of tragedies will force one to move from one location to another to draw comfort from others and to offer comfort to others. Such has been the case in the past weeks as it has been with many others world over. Yet in all situations, we give all the glory to Yahweh who knows the end of everyone and everything right from the beginning.

The reality of tragedies reinforces the reason why no human must take their life for granted. Knowing that mankind is faced with choices and walking consciously on the right choice makes any life tragedy less tragic. As humans, we are faced with a range of choices: a choice between two fathers; a choice between two masters; a choice between two destinies.

The scripture continually point to two fathers: our father in Heaven (Yahweh) and our Luciferian father (Satan)-John 8:42-47. We have to consciously make a choice between these two. The choice we make determines the destiny we face. Only the lost thinks that Yahweh does not exist and thereby denies themselves the chances to face a benign destiny. Yet the many that think there is Yahweh still struggle with the choice between two masters-Luke 16:13.

One master is Yeshua who holds the government of Yahweh; the other master is that which takes our focus from Yeshua (e.g. all man-made-gods including money). Almost everyone that goes to places of worship or calls Him Lord thinks they belong to Yeshua. Of course we will be like Him and indeed be His if the choice of followership is resolved within our mind.

No one can be like Christ who rejects the conditions of His ways. What mankind makes of the Lord's choices determine the destiny that will confront us at the end of our earth's life. Every human especially members of the Lord's body should apply wisdom and humility and carefully deliberate on the only unifying testimony of the tremendous shift in fortune once we exit from this stage which obviously happens even faster than the second-Luke 16:19-31.

Elohim has set before us destinies. He set before us life and death, blessings and curses-Deuteronomy 30:15-20. In His own wisdom, Elohim urges me and you to choose life and its blessings. Taking this lifestyle is not as simple as it sounds. Sacrifices are required by us in terms of making the choice of accepting Yeshua. When we accept Yeshua, we have also accepted our father in Heaven; no one has accepted Yahweh who rejects Yeshua and his words. Yet another and indeed a crucial part of such decision remains.

Anyone who made the above choice must also consciously give up habits which war with the will and ways of the Lord. This habit may be lies (small or big), theft, robbery, fornication, idolatry (including all Luciferian worships), adultery, manipulation and lusts of the eye and of the world; it may be unyielding anger, hatred (absence of love of our neighbours), un-forgiveness, haughtiness, pride, etc. Lifestyle/s such as the above will lead to tragic eternal consequences-Luke 16:19-31.

Regardless of our claims of who/m we are (Christian identity), Elohim knows his subjects. However, the above list of depraved behaviours will remain the template to guide us towards our destiny. As the clock ticks away, let everyone examine their own life and identify and isolate any habit that is inimical to the way of our Lord. Today and now is the only reasonable time to reassess and realign with the right choice.


Eze Uduma
