Mon, 01 Sep 2014 Feature Article

Better Ghana Agenda—An Accursed Thing?

Better Ghana Agenda—An Accursed Thing?

In 1975, the Most High God directed His servant to get Ghana rebuilt because previous attempts to build the country had failed. He later commissioned the Ghana Evangelical Society (GES) led by His servant with “The Rebuilding of the Broken Walls of Ghana” based on three books of the Bible – Haggai, Ezra and Nehemiah.

The commission alongside another commission on Kingdom Glory in Ghana together constituted the major platform and rationale behind GES church missionary outreach activities in the country from 1975 through 2005.The Lord declared related missionary activities covering Church Building, Nation Building and Kingdom Building in the land as MISSION ACCOMPLISHED in 2005.

Now, during prayers for direction on the nation building mission process, the Most High God revealed to His servant that Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah had instituted a spiritual force and system for building the nation. That the said force and system isan ACCURSED THING. That, the Accursed Thing should not be allowed to stand. It must be cast out and not allowed space and place in the nation building process and the country's affairs as a whole. Otherwisethe nation's forward march onto her destined glory as nation and people of God will not see the light of day.

It goes without saying in this regard that the Accused Thing is a major factor behind Divine judgement and intervention in the nation's affairs leading to the fallof the Osagyefo and the CPP.

In obedience, the Society (GES) undertook two special crusades in 1978 in Nkroful and Axim so to cast out the Accursed Thing and neutralize the negative spiritual influence of the Nkrumah factor on the nation's development, progress and prosperity. Again in light vein, the Spirit of God led the servant of God personally to battle with, cast out andrelease the national flag and nation from the negative influence of a spirit power behind the “Black Star” symbol in the national flag and consequently the nation's Coat of Arms.

It may be observed in this direction that the national football team, the Black Starsfaced much a challenge in the immediate post-Nkrumah era. The famous “Black Stars” which had chalked much a success in the Nkrumah-Ohene-Djan days witnessed a black out in continental soccer tournaments. It was after we succeeded in casting out the “Black Star” spirit-power deposited in the national flag that Ghana soccer began to regain spirit, strength and place in continental soccer. Meanwhile, other African countries had advanced and made much a progress while Ghana was struggling to regain her feet and place in continental and world soccer fiesta.

We can say without any controversy that the deliverance of the country from the negative and obstructive influences of the Nkrumah Accursed Thing and spirit power behind the Black Star symbol in the national flag and the Coat of Arms is a critical factor and part of the national reconciliation, redemption, reconstruction and restoration process. This was followed by the marriage and establishment of the country as nation and people of God's Inheritance (Ps. 33:12) under His Kingdom Glory order in Africa and the world.

This is the destined glory of Ghana that the Triune God ordained, ordered and was undertaken by Christ Jesus the Son and His church body in the country. The Mission Accomplished by the Lord is A New Church, A New People and A New Nation (Ghana). The Ghana Evangelical Society played a symbolic catalyst role in the matter.

It is worthy of note in this regard that Ghana's wonderful performance at FIFA WORLD CUP 2006 followed by that of FIFA 2010 in South Africa came after the declaration and celebration of MISSION ACCOMPLISHED in October 2005.

Ghana began to witness the spiritual effect of heaven ordered Divine spiritual seed of development, progress and prosperity sown during the Divine nationalredemption, reconstruction, restoration and Kingdom Building Mission by the church in Ghana.Although the seed of Divine blessings with developmentand progress had taken root and began to grow in the Kufuor era, the nation witnessed a sharp setback blow with President Mills' Kwame Nkrumah Resurrection-cumBetter Ghana Agenda. Besides, President Mills' time also witnessed fresh resurrection, courage and boldness with fetish priests and power consultation around the country and in national affairs. Indeed, though President Mills paraded himself as a Christian his spiritual and religious connections, deals and practices were at best of the occult or “cultish” in nature. But the worst of all was the attempt to recall and re-instate the Nkrumah Accursed Thing.

As we have stated on many occasions, the Mills Nkrumah Resurrection Mission is a stab in the back of national efforts with development, progress and prosperity. It was a sad day for God and Ghana therefore when NDC-Mills regime inadvertently took over in 2009 and set in motion Nkrumah accursed things resurrection baptized “BETTER GHANA AGENDA”.

Kingdom Violence
The Divine heaven ordered redeemed Ghana nation building and Kingdom building process suffered violence as a result. This provoked Divine wrath and judgement. President Mills was called home to stop the satan-man agenda. According to the Lord God of Hosts the NDC Better Ghana agenda got buried with President Mills.

Unfortunately, President Mahama-NDC Ghana smeared with Rawlings anti-christ veneer does not believe, would not buy, would not care and would notbudge an inch. The result as is now patent is spiritual blockage, religious confusion, economic frustration and social desolation. The Satan-Man Rawlings-Mills-Mahama Nkrumah Resurrection Better Ghana has been caught in deep seas of spiritual darkness, economic woes andsocial desolation,prompted and intensified by governmental visionlessness, deepened leadership crisis and confusion, maladministration, incompetence, open mass corruption and robbery. Nothing has been initiated in this era. The standing order of hope has in fact deteriorated. Nothing is working.

It is this that has prompted us to wonder and ask whether the NDC-BETTER-GHANA has been accursed on lines similar to the Nkrumah-CPP Black Star Ghana overthrown in 1966. President Limann'sPNP and CPP orientedgovernment did not get a breather.The AFRC-Rawlings May15-June 4 Ghana was short-lived. On the other hand, the Rawlings 31st December Revolution Ghana had much time to spare.But it also failed very miserably.

Indeed, the NDC BETTER-GHANA vision was doomed at its inception. The people of Ghana including the Church people, many a Christian in fact did not and could not see it. Many a minister, many a saint could not see it much nor understand the issues at stake. It seems many do not seek to know the mind and way of God and the Divine path of glory for the country. Most people look at things carnally, that is to say, in simple material and physical terms only. But God is a SPIRIT and HOLY. His ways are spiritual and holy.

It is no wonder politics, governance and nation building involving many Christians and religious folks in the land have been caught in a quagmire of confusion - spiritual, religious and political. Preaching, teaching and prayer in the church and Christian voice in the land have had no direction norproper place in the centre, to wit,in the executive and parliament,and also in the media. Yet there is hope for Ghana. The failure of the NDC-Better Ghana mission is a blessing in disguise for the country both in the short-term and long-term.

We are fully persuaded that the Lord will find a man after His heart for His heaven ordained and ordered Divine government and nation building process for the country. God will initiate once again and restore the lost grounds and lost glory to Ghana.

Ghana, hope ye in God. Worship and call upon Him in spirit and in truth. There is hope!

God bless Ghana!
August 4, 2014
[email protected]
