Wed, 09 Apr 2014 Feature Article

The Cost Of Being Soft On Criminals

The Cost Of Being Soft On Criminals
09 APR 2014 LISTEN

The Blantyre Synod was all tears after the death of Mr Eston Chimaliro, the session clerk for its St Columba congregation. He died on Monday, the 27th of January 2014 from serious wounds inflicted on him by the most protected people in the country – Criminals. The church has lost an active member who was still in the prime of his ministry.

These criminals came to his house un-invited and when he wanted to see them off, they attacked him from behind and professionally beat the conscious out of him. He battled for his life at the hospital until he lost that battle on Monday. So a good man goes as his murderers are still roaming our country, possibly to take another if not some more lives.

I want us to imagine this scenario: suppose Mr Chimaliro had managed to overpower one of them, used his riffle butt to pump some sense into his murderous brain and in that process, the highly esteemed criminal had lost his life. What could have happened? Let me suggest what could have happened: the police publicist could have blamed Mr Chimaliro for taking the law into his own hands, whatever this means?

The publicist could have warned the general public against this 'unbecoming' behaviour, and demanded that it should not happen again. He could have threatened that the police will deal with anyone who does the same. At the same time HRCC and CEDEP and all our other Human Rights (is it Criminal Rights) Organizations could have screamed at the top of their voice demanding the rights of these “Innocent till proven guilty” citizens.

They could have advised Mr Chimaliro that the best way was to put his riffle down, and begin capturing these 'innocent' gentlemen one by one peacefully and hand them over to the police. They could have condemned any violence perpetrated by Mr Chimaliro.

He could have been lucky not to see the inside of a police cell. But now that he is dead, there are no screams of “Human Rights”, why? Because it's only criminals who have or who enjoy rights in this country. You have to be gay, a witch, a prostitute or a robber, in order to enjoy your rights.

Some of these things we import or should I say that are imposed on us, are not there to help us. We need to understand that any person who violates other people's rights forfeits his rights. There is no justification whatsoever in demanding that murderers be treated fairly when they don't accord that fairness to any of their victims.

I salute the Ugandan Government for implementing a shoot to kill policy on armed criminals. These criminals were killing police officer and taking their guns. They would use these guns in their criminal activities. Finally, brother Museveni decided to address these murderers in the language they understand better, the language of live bullets targeting their heads and chests, not limbs only. Since then, the crime rate has dropped drastically in Uganda. But Human Rights organizations are already up in arms there.

This is the only reason I would pray for our late Moya's resurrection. Bible totting to criminals only emboldens them. They heard when our dear Madam ordered the police never to kill any criminal. They also know that Uncle Loti is a Bible thumper who will just pronounce the “Ambuyeeeeeee Akhaleee Naaaaaaanu” thing on them. It's high time we got tough on these monsters before they rob us of more church men. We should be meek and not weak, rough on them and not laugh on them.
