Sun, 09 Mar 2014 Feature Article

Marriage And Divorce—What Can We Do? (Part 2)

Marriage And Divorce—What Can We Do? Part 2
09.03.2014 LISTEN

Dear reader,

Every year, millions of marriages take place world over with many millions of these marriages ending in what is called divorce. There are as many divorces outside the church as there are inside. Divorce is the legal separation of a marriage by a court or other competent body. Divorce is a creation from human will as opposed to the will of Yahweh Elohim. Essentially, divorce does not exist because Yahweh does not recognize it.

Divorce is said to take place when a Yahweh approved marriage is assumed to be dissolved; Yahweh approved marriage welds two distinct bodies into one indissoluble unit. Attempted separation of such a body destroys Yahweh's new entity. To protect the integrity of the united bodies (Yahweh's creation), they remain married till death.

All humans who claim to know Yahweh is under the command of Yeshua who commands us to love our neighbours as ourselves and to love fellow partakers in fellowship with the Lord-Mark 12:30-31; John 13:34-35. Whenever one certificate for the purported divorce is signed, our neighbours we are commanded to love bear the repercussions. These neighbours always, are someone's children, sister and brother, siblings and friends.

We must not be deceived into thinking we are no longer married because we willingly gave our money to divorce lawyers and got a paper that created the impression our marriages no longer exist. Such impression is false. The original marriages, out of which the legal battles started, are still alive; the estranged spouses are still contracted to return to that marriage as Yahweh first approved it regardless of time and events.

Some preachers sometimes help create this impression that once estranged spouses remarry they can no longer go back to their Yahweh approved (first) marriage. This seems to be the position of John McArthur, a very prominent preacher and pastor based in the United States. This position is misleading and it is wrong.

Every time we use Deuteronomy 24:1-4 to define marriage and divorce, as Brother John seemed to do, we give credence to human injunction over the eternal command of the Lord and Yahweh. Yeshua clarified the matter in Deuteronomy 24:1-4 and explained the condition under which Moses issued such commands in the first place in Mathew 19:3-9.

Elohim never issued that command in Deuteronomy 24:1-4 neither did He renounce His own position on Marriage for life-Mathew 19:4-6. Moses succumbed to the heartlessness of the Jews in terms of marriage abuse thus, he created the divorce to contain their emotion. This is what is called compromise, which does not seem to have a place in our relationship with Yeshua. One strongly feels that compromises will cost many a place in the kingdom of Yahweh.

Let this truth remain lively in our consciousness. Elohim hates divorce-Malachi 2:14-16; for that reason, He can never authorise the decapitation of a marriage He united into what we call divorce. If Elohim hates divorce, who then are we to love what our Heavenly father hates? Are we not supposed to be on the side of the eternal peace and joy giver in all our decisions?

Is it that we do not know that whenever these assumed divorces, especially within the church take place, Satan rejoices greatly as He finds himself victorious over mankind and marriage, both hand works of Satan's eternal enemy?

Every human makes a choice in life, whether we remain vocal or mute. Every choice made has dual outcomes. One leads to life; the other leads to death. Yahweh in all His wisdom and kindness has implored all of us to choose life-Deuteronomy 30:15-20. To choose life is to say no to divorce and yes to marital sacrifices and debts. To choose life is to say no to Satan who instigates and supervises marriage capitulation to Satan's logical choice of divorce.

Satan comes to steal, to kill and to destroy-John 10:10. These desires Satan must achieve before he relents. Not everyone knows it. But what about those who knew, yet offer their time and desires to Satan for this onslaught? What about you who now know Satan's tactics; do you still go forward to allow the devil rule your household? Do you still go on to lend Satan your time and desires to exploit? Do you still want to allow Satan to decapitate your marriage?

Whichever choice we make, be reminded that in the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent:...-Acts 17:30-32. There is no place for divorce once a marriage approved by Yahweh has taken place. Problems do come up in marriage, but those who know Yahweh shall be strong and shall do exploits-Daniel 11:32.

Thanks for your kind response on reasons for marriage collapse. Your own reason might be different and as such still relevant.


Our father in Heaven, all things are possible with you; as we commit all decapitated marriages into your hands, cause the fragmented spouses to return to each other as you first approved. Cause every barrier to achieving this objective to be removed; fill the hearts of all parties affected in divorced marriages with your love; give these brothers and sisters the humility, strength, courage and wisdom to pursue peace and make decisions that will constantly please and glorify you. As they yield to your commands henceforth, release upon them and their entire household, unspeakable joy, happiness, peace and many more blessings, in the name of the Lord and savior, Yeshua!

Elohim, to you be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever.

Eze Uduma....
