Tue, 21 Jan 2014 Feature Article

Who Should Help In The Kitchen? He Or She?

Who Should Help In The Kitchen? He Or She?

Indeed, our fingernails were purposely created due to the veracity of our body itching and the hands were also created for innumerable activities before we will desire to eat mouth full and to be glutton of food it will depend on the sumptuous food and how our dexterity hands were in alacrity to prepare it to be palatable.

It is amazing that some people of this view are saying that in our part of the world we have what we called gender roles and that works at home is often shared between males and females and that the girls roles is using condiments for cooking which should not be changed, some people that i interviewed wholeheartedly disclose to me that girls are better cooks than boys and therefore it will be wrong,absolutely wrong for a boy to help in the kitchen while boys activities are there.

Frankly, I approached a certain boy known as FELIX QUAYE of to take his thoughts."Boys are not intrigued about kitchen, they often feel comfortable in being with their fathers than their mothers and therefore kitchen would be a wrong place for boys", said FELIX QUAYE..Upon all these i turn my attention to a certain girl to also ear fron her and she exudes confidence by saying that who says boys cannot do what girls do in the kitchen did not DR KWAME NKRUMAH REITERATED THAT BLACK MAN IS CAPABLE OF MANAGING HIS OWN AFFAIRS.Do we not have boys who cook more than girles do, is it a matter of training?According to her"is not it ridiculous to say that because boys are often seen in the company of their fathers they cannot help in the kitchen?

However, with the numerous questions raised above it is obvious that the said arguments that i would like to state emphatically is that assigning the roles of cooking to only girls and not allowing boys to help in the kitchen is a serious discrimination against girls, meanwhile our 1992 constitution expressly forbids discrimination which is base on gender. Our educational curriculum, for instance we have HOME ECONOMICS as a programme which is offered by boys as well.

FELIX QUAYE, disclosed to me that at the cooking in the kitchen involves exerting a lot of energy and since in most cases boys do better in jobs involving the use of brute force with training and education they will even do better than girls if they help in the kitchen.

FELIX QUAYE who is the CEO of the Media Network emphasized that in this modern time men are supposed to help in the kitchen together with their wives when both partners are at home and the woman is preparing meals for the family. It follows that husband would do that better when they start helping in the kitchen.

He also added that, boys helping in the kitchen would offer them proper training before they marry since they would be expected to assist their wives in the kitchen even when their wives are not around.
