Sat, 14 Dec 2013 Opinion

Lies As Told By CSIR On GMOs Exposed

By Jason Tutu
Lies As Told By CSIR On GMOs Exposed
14 DEC 2013 LISTEN

In a very desperate attempt to clutch just about any straw in his path, in order to get out of the waters of embarrassment that were all but submerging his integrity, the CSIR representative on TV3's morning show; held in the first week of December 2013, had to resort to sheer polemics unbecoming of a scientist. Upon Samia Nkrumah's insightful expose on the matter, the CSIR Chief was ostensibly left with no option but the foul ploy of haranguing, just to keep their insidious GMO agenda afloat.

I have chronicled some of his misleading arguments below; which I am quite sure they will be propagating and plastering on just about every media front; in order to con you into their cut throat plot.

The point cannot be sufficiently made about the urgent need to read through the lines, so as to turn up the underbelly of their sinful schemes. This will help one and all unveil this wicked crime of imposing on unsuspecting Ghanaians the life sentence of death by feeding; and poverty by deceitful annexation of our agrarian rights.

Below are five of their key economic arguments for GMOs in Ghana. Following each proposition is my unthreading of the knotted scheme of shame they seek to bamboozle us with. You may build on the counter argument in your own way as an addition or advancement on this piece. This will enable the good people of this country expeditiously chase these crazy bald heads out of town …

1. The CSIR man contends that, we should be grateful because GM seeds are being given for trials in Ghana on royalty free basis – This argument is akin to the trade of a crack cocaine or heroin dealer; who gives you free samples until you get hooked on the stuff, and you are forced to empty every penny you earn into their loot sacks. The GMO gang knows very well their breeds will take over other species and we will have no right to use their seeds for free. So do the math- we are doomed to eat only if we pay them. Can you imagine?

2. He argues that, farmers can cultivate GM seeds for free, IF ONLY at subsistence levels (Just to feed their families) – This argument is the most insulting I have ever heard made by an intellectual of third world origin. This goes to reinforce the vile underhand plots to perpetuate our role as mere peasants; while selling off to international interests our right to cultivate the land on commercial scale in order to improve our fortunes. For instance, in India, farmers who used to purchase as much as 100,000g of natural seeds for less than £ 10 had to pay this amount for a mere 100g of GM seeds with promises of better yields. The only yield that these farmers realized was mass suicides out of indebtedness to these cut throat corporate monopolies.

3. The CSIR rep contended that, GM seeds are more resistant and will not require insecticides. This is treachery brewed from the deepest pits of predatory capitalist dungeons. It was admitted on the same platform by this same man that, these deadly seeds bring about weeds/pests which can be killed only by special chemicals. Just that lesser quantities are required – he spinned. But who are the suppliers of these so called special pesticides? Your guess is just as good. Same GMO cartel.

They are therefore obviously not out to help anybody, but in a rather nefariously insidious manner, seeking to perpetrate their greed laden coup of hijacking global agriculture; and the entirety of agribusiness as we know it.

Secondly, their claim of GM seeds being pest resistant exists only in their theoretical papers. The Indian example indicates that GM seeds were catastrophically devoured by bollworms.

The poor farmers had no option but to swallow the costly insecticides sold at cut throat prices by these same GM bunch. This was their only ticket to freedom from their GM woes. Over 25,000 were reported dead as at 2008 and a 1,000 every month was the reported average GMO induced suicides then.

4.They argue that GMO plants need less water to grow. Note, the key expression is 'less water'; not 'no water'. So it implies if there is drought, these so called special seeds will be as useless as any other by way of survival. So why spend more on them when the simple and trusted concept of irrigation is all we need to solve that end of the problem?

Most importantly, the deceit was exposed when practical massive scales of GM Bt cotton farms showed that GM seeds required twice the amount of water than traditional seeds. (

5. He also makes the argument that less Nitrogen is required by these deadly seeds. But the question is, if we realize artificial fertilizers are no more the way to go; what has happened to the zillion and one tonnes of garbage which is threatening to bury us in the city centers of this country? I find it difficult to understand why policy makers will spend billions of our money to cart and bury refuse, together with all the compost therein, and then turn round to spend far more to import fertilizers. As if to say that spate of moronic inanity is not enough, they are ready to poison us all to death; simply because of their idea starved brains?

Until that day when Ghana will have to import garbage in order to satisfy our compost needs; until that morning when we will wake to the realization that we lack green vegetation that can be ploughed back into our soil to re-nourish it; Until that moment, the unfounded argument of adopting GMOs (together with their neck breaking baggage) for the reason of soil nutrient efficiency will remain as spurious as its proponents.

Even with the freedom to plant, we are starving; can you imagine having to necessarily feed from their palms?

NB: Join the campaign to throw out the 'plant breeder's bill' in parliament. Do it with the fierce urgency of NOW!

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Source: Jason Tutu
