
Can Prez Mahama Retrieve Judgment Debts?

Feature Article Can Prez Mahama Retrieve Judgment Debts?

How can Prez Mahama Retrieve Judgment debts, when his Vice Presidency and his 2012 election campaign expenditure are embroiled in unprecedented corruption practices of our time. There were and still numerous negative nuances and substantiated findings emanating from Ghana judgment commission and the Supreme Court that, the government is just creating, looting and sharing in other words Ghana is just a milking pot for Prez Mahama's government and his Ministers.

For instance, changing of the fifty cedis notes few months before elections also raised a lots of eyebrows. It is difficult for concerned citizens of this country to say Mahama and his administration are capable of retrieving judgment debts are a practical joke. Betting on President Mahama to retrieve judgment debts if all these are true is like reducing the financial strength of himself and his campaign cohorts most of whom he has appointed to undeserved public offices.

President Mahama according to IMANI is double dribbling Ghanaians on the issue of retrieving ridiculous judgment debts and fighting corruption. Why? Because all the Prez does is form commission upon commission of investigation and review respectively, recommendations are made but no realistic action taken. On like his predecessor Prof. Mills who took an action against the former Roads and Highways Minister Mr. Gidisu for an ethical misconduct. His offence was related to questionable possession of certain assets.

President Mahama the then Vice president of Ghana was also implicated at that same period stashing $170 million in a Swiss bank together with his wife. As the late President Mills appointed Hon William Aboah, Mr. George Amoah and Brig. Gen. Allotey (Rtd) to investigate the then vice Prez Mahama in a deal in which he led a team to acquire five military aircrafts from Brazil, he met his sudden death. This issues is no more in the media, does it mean they are not true?

Though the Swiss bank used the silent clause in refusing to confirm the information on the $170 million, IMF investigators were able to use other available means like electronic tracking system to locate the said accounts with Mrs Lordina Mahama and John Dramani Mahama. These accounts ironically were established for them by a company called “Creditio Privat Commercial” and why they chose this method in itself tells Ghanaians that President Mahama is a political double dribbler pretending he is doing something to retrieve judgment debts and fighting corruption.

During recent UN General Assembly encounter between President Mahama and the President of the World Bank in New York, it was clear that the Bank was dissatisfied with the President personal financial misconduct which forced President Mahama “to make public statement pleading with the World Bank not to cut financial assistance to Ghana”. President GoodLuck Jonathan of Nigeria a personal friend to Mahama lobbied the President of the World Bank to tone down the public threat on Ghana according to “Associated Press” and only God knows the concessions that went into influencing the World Bank decision to halt the exposure of the alleged $170million Mr. and Mrs. Mahama bonanza.

There are also uncomfortable nuances one after the other of corruption around Mahama administration for a concerned citizen of Ghana to just cast away as just mere rumors or frivolous allegations. There are too many corruption insinuations especially the ongoing sale negotiations of Ghana Merchant Bank and the Victoria Hammah recent gossip. Therefore it is difficult for the concerned citizens of Ghana to believe President Mahama can seriously lead the fight to retrieve all these judgment debts because in doing so he might probably step on a scorpion's tail and get himself in an uncomfortable territory.


Yao FiagbetoYao Fiagbeto
