04.11.2013 Feature Article

Gears, Which Gears?

Kwasi Ansu-KyeremehKwasi Ansu-Kyeremeh
04.11.2013 LISTEN

They taught me that the gear is designed to logically and safely move to speed the vehicle from one to two, three and four. In the case of my South-South Safari, it ends at top speed at gear five.

I was accordingly warned many times over never to attempt to move from one to three, let alone from one to four. I bet he who said one to four would have said one to five if he were thinking about Safari south-south; since he was thinking of moving at top speed.

Sometime in the past, driving the ship of state was compared to driving a Yutong bus. An Amina Yutong story even came out of that. Driving seems to have become part of the looting arrangements.

What the congresspeople have been driving is looting; chop chopping everything, anything, anyhow, whenever, however. The chief driver pilot seemed, therefore, to have been saying that now that they have spent six years chop chopping, they hope to leapfrog to gear four because they have realised chop chopping has kept them at gear one.

There has been chop chop STX, which was followed by a gamut of chop chop judgment debt mess (JDM not JM, the Americans congresspeople are copying have FDR, JFK, LBJ, WJC, GWB and so on).

Of that judgment debt have been chop chop Woyome, chop chop Waterville, chop chop ISOFOTON, chop chop compensation claims and many, many other chop chops.

A wonderful NYEP that has been bastardised into a GYEEDA has become a chopping mine, with people chop chopping every bit of it.

After all the chop chopping, crowned with stealing an election, they have now realised money is such that you cannot chop it and have it. You cannot take the money from the consolidated fund to pay dubious judgment debts and still have that money sitting there to use to pay government wage and other bills.

There is no fourth gear to move to from first gear. Year one you are in first gear. Instead of following that logic, the congress stealing machine promised to hit the ground running. Illogically, they ended up rather crash landing. Since then, in the congress warped estimation, it has been first gear six clear years.

Maybe they thought all gears are automatic where you hardly move the lever. In automatic driving mode, you are usually moving at third gear with drive. You pick up speed to fourth with which you cruise. That clearly is moving logically from third to fourth.

Second or first gear is required only in circumstances such as climbing into Adukrom from Aseseeso or climbing into Adukrom from Huhunya. If you were driving at fourth speed, you would have moved logically from fourth to third (of fifth to fourth and then third) before first and second. The automatic gear does its own thing.

Let it be known to each congressperson driver (original or spare), mate, Aplanke that what the motherland is in need of is for all who have chopped her money to vomit the money out, clean it, hand it back into her coffers. Let the money be thrown up back into the motherland kitty.

Wherever it was kept or is being kept or not, let it be thrown up whether it went into water tankers, or petrol tankers or gas tankers or bottom power or fancy cars, or mansions or whatever. Let that stolen money be vomited out.

They should heed this warning before it is too late. It is no longer going to be firing squad like they practice nor is it going to be stripping and whipping. All the money you have stolen will be taken away from you until you become a pauper like those you have pauperised into paupers with your stinking stealing habits.

If you think I am joking, you just wait. I will mobilise IMANI, GII, TI, and anything with an 'I' in its acronym. I am talking anything that purports to fight corruption in the motherland.

If you don't give the money up voluntarily, we will take you to court. If we get eventually dissatisfied with a Supreme Court judgment, we will go to the AU court, and if we fail there we will move all the way to the ICC. We will not accept any judgment we disagree with.

So over to you JDM and cohort of congresspeople thieves. Give up the stealing and return the money to chest. Failing that, you are guaranteed to face the wrath of the motherland in a civil humiliating and pauperising way.

 By Kwasi Ansu-Kyeremeh

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