Thu, 13 Jun 2013 Feature Article

Arrest and deportation of illegal Chinese miners: Danger, Government must act now!!!

Arrest and deportation of illegal Chinese miners: Danger, Government must act now!!!
13 JUN 2013 LISTEN

I have just had a heated argument online with one of my Chinese friends about the arrest and deportation of illegal miners especially Chinese nationals in Ghana.

The Chinese media and the government have been telling and showing the Chinese people here some news and pictures of the alleged brutalities meted out to the Chinese illegal miners in Ghana.

open the link attached and see for yourselves.

Since the news broke with such pictures, there have been series of demonstrations in China against Ghana about the alleged bad treatment of their fellow citizens working in Ghana.

This has infuriated many Chinese who are only fed with one sided story and have no other way to know the other side.

My friends quickly informed me of the issue and when I tried to explain to them, they would have none of it, since they have heard the news and seen pictures coming from their own government and the media. Which is always the case here.

This issue puts the lives of blacks in general and particularly Ghanaians in China, in terms of work and other things in danger.

Already some Chinese cities do not renew visas from African countries and refuse them work opportunities.

There have also been the news that all Chinese in Ghana are being harassed, robbed and killed even if they are in Ghana legally.

I urge the Government to instruct the Embassy in Beijing as a matter of urgency to hold a press conference and tell the other side of the story to the Chinese people here.

I hope someone would act soon without further delay.
