Tue, 09 Apr 2013 Feature Article



Advances in technology have given people a barricade of options to access information. Local and international news can be read in newspapers, listened to on radio, watched television, found on phones and on the internet. The limited coverage of various forms of media coupled with the social characteristics like educational levels makes the radio the most preferred means of accessing information in ghana.

With over a century of radio's existence in the world, it has served as a hub for educating and entertaining listeners worldwide. The United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization recognizing the essence of radioing to mankind at its 36th General Conference in 2011 created an Annual World Radio Day marked on February 13th every year.

Our colonial masters introduced radio in Ghana in the 1930s as a tool to secure the loyalty and support of the colony during World War II. The integrative role offered by radio led to it been retained by post independent Ghanaian leaders as a top-down communication channel. Notwithstanding the importance of radio, it remained a state monopoly until the return to democratic rule and further constitutional provision for the ownership of private radio stations.

The third quarter report of National Communication Authority on the list of radio stations in Ghana put the total number of registered one's to be 286 with 34 being public, 41 been community based, 11 being on various campuses and 199 commercial radio stations across the length and breadth of the country.

The prospects presented in the rapid increase of radio stations are numerous and hence cannot be overlooked. The political discourse held by most radio stations provide platform for citizens to know the prevailing situations in the country. Radio has invariably presented another means of strengthening the practice of democracy since in creates the avenue for the participation of the ruled and the rulers. Radio stations have over the years provided information on entertainment needs especially football which has gradually stolen the hearts of many Ghanaians. Discussion on other social issues like marriage, culture, education, health issues has also improved upon the stock of knowledge of most Ghanaians. One cannot forget the opportunity it has granted to various commercial actors to advertise their products. Some radio stations have gone the extra mile of performing their corporate social responsibilities hence improving upon the lives of the underprivileged in the society.

However, there exist serious problems with the existing radio stations which when not checked can mar the long held peace and stability of Ghana. Let's not forget about neighboring Uganda which had its fair share of tribal conflicts as results of comments of radio stations. There exist some stations today who have visually become agents of some political parties without giving due recognition to the ethics of journalism. Independence of some radio presenters lives a lot to be desired. Another trend that has come to stay with us is the constant misinformation provided by radio stations to listeners. One can at least make mention of false information provided about the deaths of the H.E Prof. Atta Mills and Alhaji Aliu Mahama before they passed to glory. The language used by most journalist on the airwaves are testimonies to their level of insight in to the profession they claim they belong. It is not surprising most Ghanaians were left in a state of despair during the December 2012 elections because of reports made by some stations.

With the radio coverage being dominant than other media outlets there is the need to address the various challenges facing the industry. The National Communication Authority should tighten their monitoring role of the various radio stations and apply sanctions where applicable. Owners of radio stations should as much as possible motivate their workers well in order to reduce the rate of influence from external sources. Again, in service training should regularly be organized for the journalist in order to upgrade their knowledge in their practice. The soul of the nation has gradually being knit together with radioing and various stakeholders must ensure the sanctity of the industry is preserved.
