Sun, 24 Jun 2012 Feature Article

Ghanaian Leaders Wake Up!!!

Ghanaian Leaders Wake Up!!!
24 JUN 2012 LISTEN

I listened to one reporter called Sampson Kwame Nyamekye of Hello FM fame giving a live report about a worrying development from somewhere in Obuasi, where some Chinese, legal and illegal residents were busily mining Gold by excavating and destroying the area he was doing the live report from.

Apart from the destroying the land and depriving farmers in that area of their livelihood, I heard most of the Chinese there are illegally living and 'working' in Ghana.

I am far away China and I know what happens here.

1. Most Chinese do not like Blacks, especially from Africa, they are very racist, discriminative, abusive, insulting etc. They actually laugh and mock Blacks here all the time.

2. There is no way any Black can live in this country without proper papers or the right visa, let alone work illegally and worst of it all destroy their land??? (even though some maybe be here like that, but very dangerous for them).

3. There are a lot of teaching jobs here for the white guys and ladies, but they would not give to Blacks. Even to renew Blacks' visas is a problem here, just because your passport is from an African country.

Some Provinces have banned the renewal of passports from African countries.

So please our leaders in Ghana, wake up and stop this insane going on in our dear country, before they destroy it and run back to their country.

They have very negative mind of Africans and Africa in general, I would not like to repeat some of the things they say about us.

If most of Africans know what the Chinese think and say about us, no one would entertain them in Africa.

I can't believe how our leaders in Ghana can just sit by and let such people to illegally live and destroy our land.

Please stop them now!!!

I am waiting for the right action to be taken soon.

Elvis Owusu
Shanghai, China.
