Wed, 04 Apr 2012 Feature Article

Vedic Maths improvises the supremacy of Concentration

Vedic Maths improvises the supremacy of Concentration
04 APR 2012 LISTEN

High Speed Vedic Mathematics is a super fast way of calculation whereby you can do supposedly complex calculations like 998 x 997 in less than five seconds flat. Vedic Mathematics is far more systematic, simplified and unified than the conventional system but at the same time it complements the Mathematics curriculum conventionally taught in schools. Regardless of what level the child is at in maths, this amazing mathematical break through is ready to lend a hand. If the child is good at math, this will open them up a whole new world of different and faster methods. If your child struggles at maths, this guide will be perfect to dramatically improve their maths skills. Regardless of whether strong or weak the child can always improve mental arithmetic.

Vedic Maths sharpens mind, increases mental ability, intelligence and develops Left & Right Sides of the brains by increasing visualization and concentration abilities. Vedic Mathematics cultivates an interest for numbers and eliminates the math-phobia present in the students. Increases speed and accuracy. It is a mental tool for calculation that encourages the development and use of intuition and innovation, while giving the student a lot of flexibility, fun and satisfaction. For the child, it means giving them a competitive edge, a way to optimize their performance and gives them an edge in mathematics and logic that will help them to shine in the classroom and beyond. Therefore it's direct and easy to implement in schools – a reason behind its enormous popularity among academicians and students.

The right brain controls the left side of the body and the left brain controls the right side of the body. So brain development is skewed to the fact that whether the person is predominatly left-hander or right hander. The right brain is the more creative or emotional hemisphere and the left brain is the analytical and judgmental hemisphere. Anything that is new or not familiar to an individual is right brain dominant. Anything that is familiar is left brain dominant. Since Vedic Maths does both types of stimulations simultaneously, it helps improvising capabilities of brain.

Let's take an example now. The sutra "vertically and crosswise" in Vedic Maths has many uses. One very useful application is helping children who are having trouble with their tables above 5x5. For example 7x8. 7 is 3 below the base of 10, and 8 is 2 below the base of 10.

There are specific activities that may stimulate the right or left brain. Activities that stimulate the left brain are solving problems, performance of learned tasks, analytical information, and recalling new information. Activities that stimulate the right brain are emotional issues, the creative process, recalling memorized lists, any unfamiliar event or activity, and holding the attention span. So you see with simple example students are stipulating both the sides simultaneously.

Here is an another example of doing this in a special method for long multiplication of numbers near a base (10, 100, 1,000 etc), for example, 96 by 92. 96 is 4 below the base and 92 is 8 below. We can cross-subtract either way: 96-8=88 or 92-4=88. This is the first part of the answer and multiplying the "differences" vertically 4x8=32 gives the second part of the answer.

So you can well understand that these methods stimulate both the right and left brain and thus improvise the superiority of Concentration.

Sitangshu Ghoshal
(Readers may contact the author for any further clarifications if necessary through email [email protected]
