Thu, 19 Jan 2012 Feature Article

Be Faithful Unto God Unto The End (part 1)

Be Faithful Unto God Unto The End part 1

When the Lord Jesus Christ called me unto Him and the service of the Triune God, His Church, our country, Africa, the nations of the world, humanity and creation as a whole, He impressed upon me the need for FAITHFULNESS in His service and life.

In the course of our engagements, Jesus and His servant you know, Revelation chapter Two verses 8-10, 1st Corinthians 4: 1-9 and John 4: 34-36 became three important scriptures from which we have drawn strength and guidance for service, whether it be service in the church, service in the public services or service in society and life in general.

The truth is that there are many challenges, not least of which is the betrayal of men and women and the works and darts of spirits and powers reigning, ruling and running the world systems.

In the human spirit, body and mind, in marriage, in the family and in church, in the work place, market and society, man is set to meet and contend with challenges. According to the Lord, the challenges, difficulties, indignities, reproach and life threatening situations we face when we seek after righteousness and pursue holiness and faithfulness to God, His Kingdom and His Righteousness on earth, all give sweet fragrance to life story. (Rom. 8: 16-18)

It is critical in this direction therefore for Christians particularly Christian leaders and ministers called to build and plant, overthrow and establish to seek not merely to be focused BUT TO BE FAITHFUL UNTO THE END. The call is a heavenly call. Unless one keeps deep and steady contact with Jesus Christ, unless one walks consistently in holiness, righteousness and obedience with THE HOLY SPIRIT in consistent prayer, fasting and waiting with patience and endurance for direction from Christ the Master and sometimes THE FATHER, one will not but slip away in darkness, in self-delusion and fall into satanic deception and human passion in the pursuit of gain, happiness and vain glory. And all that is DEATH.

Bro. Enoch Immanuel A. Agbozo
