Thu, 19 Jan 2012 Feature Article

Woyome – A Test Of Spiritual Integrity And Purity And Honest Governance To Prez Mills

Woyome – A Test Of Spiritual Integrity And Purity And Honest Governance To Prez Mills

On a recent outreach mission in South Africa, I met a fine gentleman who was introduced as an accomplished Christian business person who also doubles as a Minister of the Gospel. I was on a mission of the reconciliation, deliverance, healing, redemption and restoration of Africa and the establishment of Africa's nations and peoples in the Kingdom of God on earth. The Kingdom of God on earth is an essential and ultimate mission agenda of Jesus Christ, Messiah, King of Glory, King of kings and Lord of lords.

The gentleman shared with me his plans towards becoming President of his country (not South Africa) so he will get opportunity to establish a DAVIDIC kind of government and bring his nation under CHRIST and the KINGDOM of GOD. According to the said gentleman he will need not less than US$70 million for his presidential bid.

To raise this money, disclosed the gentleman, he will need financiers who at best share his Christian beliefs. This he was arranging. He brushed over the obvious critical issue of HOW TO YOU PAY BACK and COMPENSATE the financial colleagues and/or financiers who help you to raise the campaign money and related matters. In addressing this all important critical subject, the gentleman in question brushed the issue aside by simply stating that, there can be no question of bribery and corruption resolving the issue. That is to say, he does not see anything wrong if he makes arrangements while in office to pay back his campaign financial obligation.

Is that the disposition of politicians, Christian politicians at that in resolving PAYMENTS, COMPENSATIONS and REWARDS FOR POLITICAL PATRONAGE if it may involve CONTRACTS, BIDS, PAYBACKS from public fund, ARRANGEMENTS and WOYOME TYPE QUESTIONABLE DEBT PAYMENT? That the rigors of financial probity and accountability, legal and judicial sanctity can be set aside, compromised or at least brushed over provided “some evidence” can be adduced for legal clearance to support payments from exchequer.

We will address later the need for TRUTH, HONESTY, RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE before GOD by citizens in Africa, particularly THOSE WHO CLAIM TO BE CHRISTIANS, and CHRISTIANS WHO WOULD WANT NATION and PEOPLE TO BELIEVE THAT THEY HAVE BEEN PUT IN POWER BY GOD. Of course, nations deserve their leaders, whether righteous and just or unrighteous and wicked, crooks or cranks. When crooks, liars, flatterers and wicked bribe-giving, bribe- receiving and corrupt parade as gentlemen and ladies, politicians and professionals, chiefs, elders and opinion leaders in society and receive honour as such, the nations of such people deserve leaders and government of such kind.

For now, we PLEAD WITH THE PRESIDENT TO TELL GOD and GHANA not only as to where he actually stands in the Woyome story, but also whether or not Mr. Woyome deserves the payment made and his conscience is free. Blind law, weak legal and judicial systems, administrative lapses or not God and Ghana must KNOW THE TRUTH.

We are wading in the Woyome waters because our President would have us believe that HE IS A CHRISTIAN POLITICIAN and PRESIDENT at that. On that premise, we would believe his testimony and bear it before the Most High God who is a righteous judge and before whom THERE IS NO DARKNESS.

To be sure, we have already expressed doubts concerning his Excellency's confession of faith in CHRIST and HIS Messianic GOVERNMENT and KINGDOM order on earth to wit Ghana. Our doubts arise from President Mills' faith in Kwame Nkrumah and the pursuit of Nkrumaism and Nkrumah's image as REDEEMER and FATHER of GHANA.

Christians of spiritual and prophetic insight, of informed knowledge of Ghana's history and of Kwame Nkrumah's spiritual, philosophical and ideological persuasions, politics and performance cannot support the attempt at RESURRECTING KWAME NKRUMAH if even they have the privilege to such Divine grace. TO ERECT KWAME NKRUMAH SIDE BY SIDE the Most High God and His Christ as Redeemer and Father of Ghana, and further to impose it on Ghana is spiritually untenable.

To impose the Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah on Ghana as redeemer and father is an abomination to God and the true Christian and righteous, and honest citizens of Ghana, past, present and future. This is a dangerous move towards the country. Hence our doubts concerning the true spiritual leaning of our President and the spiritual counseling he is receiving, if any. They that believe and walk with God do not live and walk in darkness. He who seeks God diligently shall find Him for He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.

We humbly request that for the sake of Ghana and for the sake of HONEST, SOUND and NON - CORRUPT GOVERNANCE, President Atta Mills should clear the dark clouds around the WOYOME DEBT PAYMENT! He should assure God and Ghana that as President and Christian President at that, his governance is free from bribery and corruption, negative political patronage and pragmatic subterfuge.

January 13, 2012
Bro. Enoch Immanuel A. Agbozo
[email protected]
