Tue, 31 May 2011 Feature Article

The Rules Of The Game

The Rules Of The Game

PEACE, JOY and HOPE be unto the peoples, all creation and nations of the world.

I write concerning my Father and my Master, God the Creator and His Son Jesus Christ, Saviour of the world, Redeemer of creation, Restorer of glory, hope of the human race and creation.

God who created all things set them in perfect order to fulfill His purposes, purposes that will be beneficial to His creation and bring glory to His name.

Thus while the firmaments declare His glory, the sun ruling by day, the moon and the stars by night, the waters in the skies, in lakes, rivers and seas, the hills, mountains and valleys, the shrubs, trees and forests on land, they all beautify the earth and bring joy to all as they go about their daily and seasonal rounds. They all harmoniously respond to the ploddings of light, water and wind, as determined, ordered, set in place and established by the Creator.

Meanwhile, animals, birds, fishes and men plod their way majestically in works and songs, hammer and hooks, fire and smoke in expeditions of happiness, joy and pleasure. AND ALL THESE ARE DONE THROUGH OBSERVANCE of THE LAWS, RULES and MOTIONS decreed by the Creator. The knowledge and wisdom of the Creator indeed pass finding out!

For example, in revealing His knowledge, wisdom, power and glory in nature, the Creator God who also is the father of all spirits including man endowed His creation with virtues, beauty, powers and glory. He set everything and all things in their proper, orderly, respective and fitting manner, place and relationships. The Bible describes this simple yet complex arrangements in this simple way – HE UPHOLDS ALL THINGS BY THE WORD OF HIS POWER, or to put it another way, BY THE POWER OF HIS WORD. (Hebrews Chap. 1 verse 3). That is to say, creation rests secured and bound on the orders of the Creator.

A brief examination of the scriptures will lead to one conclusion, GOD WHO CREATED ALL THINGS BY THE POWER of HIS WORD expects, in fact demands that NOT ONLY SHOULD MAN and CREATION as a whole acknowledge, worship and give Him glory as Creator. He also demands that the nature and the order in which He set things in place in nature must be ACKNOWLEDGED, RESPECTED, HONOURED and FOLLOWED in orderly conduct so there be PEACE and HARMONY. There is therefore judgement and punishment to disobedience, disorderly conduct and disrespect to the laws of nature.

Accordingly, to ensure peace and stability, harmony and happiness the conditions and laws of nature must be known, respected and above all obeyed. In this respect, there are two basic and important rules on earth:-

(1) THAT MAN and CREATION must KNOW, ACKNOWLEDGE, WORSHIP and HONOUR GOD and give Him glory as Creator and source of life.


This is a fundamental requirement and condition for PEACE and SECURITY, LIFE and JOY, STABILITY and PROGRESS, HAPPINESS and HOPE for all men and creation, for all peoples', nations and the world. The two constitute the basic Rule of The Life Game on earth. This is a critical and fundamental SPIRITUAL LAW for life and peace on earth.

That being the case, it is incumbent on all creation from angels, sun, moon and stars through light, water and wind, hills, mountains and valleys to trees and animals, men and all, animate and inanimate things TO KNOW, RESPECT and GIVE HONOUR and GLORY to the Creator.

To be sure, peoples, nations and the world are free to choose whether or not to worship the Creator. Men and nations are free TO REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE God. They are free to show disrespect, to defy and reject the Creator. But there is a deep cost to that. This one thing is certain, NO ONE, NO PEOPLE, NO NATION can expect, ensure and enjoy Life, Peace, Security and Happiness WITHOUT ACKNOWLEDGING and OBEYING THE LAWS of NATURE. To observe the laws of nature is to honour God. To do otherwise is to dishonor God and desecrate nature.

It is true in this regard that science and technology are no more than SHOWING RESPECT TO and GIVING HONOUR to God for the RICHES and WEALTH in NATURE. KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM found in nature have been utilised and are being applied to meet the needs of peoples and nations. Thanks be to the Creator for the thinking capacity as well as the assimilative, imaginative and creative powers given and endowed in man. It underscores the fact that man is created in the image of God, Him the Creator. The special powers of man like those of angels, ALL SPEAK CLEARLY of THE WISDOM, POWER and MAJESTIC GLORY of the Creator. Who and What can be compare to God!

It can be deduced therefore that the present woes of the world are without doubt due primarily to three things: (i) the REJECTION of GOD and the KNOWLEDGE Of HIM, (ii) the mounting WORSHIP of human knowledge and power, wisdom and technology, and with it the power of Satan, the spirit and power of the age as against and above the Worship and Honour of God the Creator and (iii) the mounting and deepening intensity of sin and depravity, darkness and death emanating from (i) and (ii) above.

The years are rolling on with deepening intensity of pain and sorrow, woes and mourning due to the basic issue of life in defiance of the rule of the game.

Aside from population explosion in the world, the spiritual truth is that the human race is in all reality a seriously challenged species on earth. Man is threatened not so much by falling food supply and the ozone, nor disease and sickness and the rising trend in blood flow, violence and wars. These are matters of deep concern. Nonetheless, the greatest threat to human life and survival is with first the spiritual state of the human race and world order of darkness and death and second, the growing tension and effect of THE WRATH and JUDGEMENT of GOD caused by the contempt for God, His heaven ordained order on earth and the rules of the game. The human race is PERISHING slowly and definitely. When Divine judgement descends like in the days of Noah WHO or WHAT CAN STAND IT! God has warned of His judgment by fire and hell. Both are real!!

It is gratifying to observe, however that THERE IS A RAY of LIGHT and HOPE in this dark and frightening state of affairs. Though the human race is destined to extinction through judgement, the merciful Father and Creator has provided a way of escape from both the wrath of God and the self-imposed pain and atrocities of men in sin and wickedness, satanism, idolatory and non-observation of the rule of the game.

A way of escape has been provided and established in the heavenly provision of THE WAY, TRUTH and LIFE. The Divine plan of escape provides for

(i) RECONCILIATION with God and PEACE with Him on earth;

(ii) The REMISSION of SIN and SALVATION from darkness and death;


(iv) The ABROGATION of THE LAW of SIN and DEATH, delivering and freeing man from curse, condemnation, damnation and death;

(v) The DEATH of DEATH and hence OPEN DOOR of ETERNAL LIFE, PEACE and JOY to man


(vii) A NEW HEAVEN and A NEW EARTH with totally new game rule

The open door of escape is simply but powerfully stated as follows “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3: 16 NKJV) This has been rightfully described as GOOD NEWS.

Faith in JESUS CHRIST as Divine Spirit-Being Person, Son of the Living God, faith in the Blood Atonement, the RESURRECTION from the dead and RELEASE of DIVINE SPIRIT and GRACES for creating a NEW MAN, faith in the Word of Truth, Love, Life, Light and Liberty in the Holy Scriptures, in short FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST as GOD incarnate and DIVINE SALVATION, REDEMPTION, RESTORATION of ETERNAL LIFE and the CREATION of a NEW MAN is the Way of Divine Escape.

Jesus Christ affirmed this, saying “……… I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except by Me.” (John 14: 6 KJV)

The Spirit of the Lord led Apostle John to declare accordingly;

“The Father loves the Son and has given all things into His hand.

He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe

the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.” (John 3: 35-36 NKJV)

This is the mystery revealed. Christ is THE DIVINE SPIRIT POWER of Creation, Life and Light (John 1: 1-4; Colossians 1: 15-18). He is the Word by which creation came into being and existence. He is the power base for upholding all things in perfect order and harmony. (Heb. 1: 1-3). Faith in Christ equals obedience of the Law and the Prophets. Obedience to Him guarantees righteousness and access to the Tree of Life.

To conclude, belief and acknowledgement, faith in, trust and obedience of Jesus Christ is a deep supreme spirit- and mind-set behind the Rule of the Game.

If peoples and nations obey the physical laws of nature set in place by God, they must also respect and obey the SPIRITUAL LAW of TRUST and WORSHIP of GOD.

May Ghana and Africa hear this. This is the key to salvation and deliverance, redemption and restoration and glory for Africa.

May the world take notice of the coming redemption, restoration and glory of Africa. Hallelujah!

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