Tue, 31 May 2011 Feature Article

President Mills Stranded!!

President Mills Stranded!!

We write as servant of the Most High God, an Apostle-Prophet of Jesus Christ to Church and nations, a standard bearer of CHRIST REDEMPTION MISSION and KINGDOM ORDER in the world.

We are tasked with Divine Truth, Love and Light, Peace, Righteousness and Justice, Liberty and Joy in the knowledge of God in Africa and the nations. Liberty, joy and glory for the human soul is passion for Christ. He comes to judge all who are evil and wicked, murdering, destroying and desecrating humans.

The Bible says in this connection that Blessed is the nation whose God is Jehovah, the people He has chosen for His own inheritance (Psalm 33: 12). This is the banner under which we have worked, served and are serving God and Church, Country, People and Humanity since 1975. The burden came with the Lord's commission concerning The Rebuilding of the Broken Walls of Ghana which we launched in 1976.

We can say with every confidence and without controversy in this regard that GHANA IS FREE. That Ghana has been RECONCILED, DELIVERED, SET FREE, REDEEMED, MARRIED and MADE HOLY UNTO GOD. Ghana has been given a new name, BEULAH LAND, THE NEW JERUSALEM certifying her as nation and people, government and city of God. God in and by Christ is the God, King, Lord and Governor of the New Ghana. Today's Ghana is by definition not the Ghana of our forefathers, nor the Ghana of Danquah-Nkrumah, Kotoka-Acheampong-Rawlings.

That is to say, the Lord's Hand is firmly on REDEEMED GHANA. Hence Ghana HAS KNOWN and BECOME a BEACON of LIGHT, PEACE and RIGHTEOUSNESS for DIVINE GLORY in Africa. Ghana stands shining for the praise and glory of God in the world. Amen!

The road to this glorious position has not been easy. It came through spiritual, political and cultural battles. It has cost lives and economic fortunes, precious time and missed opportunities with development and progress.

We are persuaded that all TRUE PROPHETS and SERVANTS of GOD, and all true knowledgeable and faithful Christians and informed citizens in the land know and are well informed of the state of the nation before God. Many outside the country have seen the light on Ghana. Some are bearing testimony of Divine Hand upon the country. This is the secret of Ghana, Star of Africa.

It is most unfortunate in this connection that President Mills, professed christian, surrounded by prophets and clergy of repute SHALL RESORT TO RELIGION and play the RELIGIOUS CARD in the politics, governance and affairs of the country.

One cannot engage in or supervise politics and governance of lies and insults, violence and wickedness, unrighteousness and injustice, and political game playing with the lives and well-being of people and the destiny of the nation and expect God's APPROVAL and MERCY, and the WITHHOLDING of HIS WRATH and JUDGEMENT. God cannot be bought with sanctimonious religious services, jargons and appeals.

Now, judging from the frequent calls for prayers in the midst of politics of wickedness, pain and suffering in the land, the ways and means of governance and management of the affairs of the country, one cannot but conclude that President Mills is playing religious game in the politics and destiny of the country. In all humility and deference to His Excellency, it does not appear that the President is well informed about the NATURE, STATUS, PLACE and POSITION of God's Hand on the nation and the way forward. Let all who are prophets and spiritual affirm what I am saying. (cf 1st Corinthians 14: 37)

The President expects christians to rise in his support and/or to make God defuse any plans of rebellion, demos and cries about conditions in the country.

Surely, God is concerned about the well-being of the people as well as righteousness and justice, progress and prosperity, and His glory in chosen Ghana.

If we are to grant President Mills any benefit of doubt, or a measure of sincerity in his cries for Divine intervention and mercy on the land, we cannot but say that President Mills is stranded between Divine edict and mercy on one part and the critical and urgent need for truth and honesty, righteous, just and able governance on the other.

The President may be sincere. But we are persuaded that HIS POLITICS and WAYS of GOVERNANCE betray things and tell a different story. They present a different picture. Is the President stranded between two opinions, between whom to serve, God or man, nation or power. Whom is he poised to serve? God, people and nation. Or his ministers, political party and friends!

Let us take note of this spiritual possibility. False CONFESSION can provoke Divine wrath and judgement. Hence, the calls for prayers for Divine intervention must come from pure heart with truth and honesty about issues. Second, there must be TRUE REPENTANCE followed by RIGHTEOUS, JUST and HONEST ACTS BEFORE GOD. It will be abomination to hound, deceive and horde christians with religious superlatives. God cannot be mocked!

In this respect, we have no cause to impugn insincerity to President Mills, his advisors and ministers. We also have no grounds to assume that President Mills' cabinet and close confidants may not all share his religious views and may well be engaged in idolatory, blood sacrifices and Satan-cum-demon worship. Are there keen protagonists of atheistic and humanistic philosophies in his team and party!

We can state in this regard that the Lord God Jehovah caused us once to write to President Kufuor's cabinet that the destiny of the nation is NOT IN THEIR HANDS! The destiny of Ghana cannot be placed in the hands of the anti-God and anti-Ghana.

All these call for leadership qualities of DEEP SPIRITUAL CONNECTIVITY with GOD, CONVICTION, HONESTY and SOUND JUDGEMENT, CHARISMA, COURAGE and BOLDNESS from the Spirit of GOD among others.

It is obvious that, the open lies and insults, violence and wickedness, the pressure and treachery for gain and dishonest advantage cannot be washed away with religious tears and hypocricy, human political devices and satanic tricks and deception. GOD IS NOT A WEAK OBSERVER. Let God be true and everyman a liar!!

Finally, it appears that President Mills has taken a garment he cannot wear nor can he walk in it. To claim the name PRINCE of PEACE is to say the least a heavy task. It can be ABOMINATION. Who knows if Christ Jesus Himself has conferred that title upon our President.

President Mills' religio-political gymnastics notwithstanding, GHANA STANDS SECURE and FIRM in the Hand of the Most High. If it were not so, Election 2008 would have led to chaos. That would have made Ghana but another African country. Thanks be to God He intervened in the matter. His Holy Hands got Him and Ghana the VICTORY. Hallelujah! Our God Reigns!!

Glory to God in the Highest!
May 17, 2011
[email protected]

Originating at peace be unto the people of ghana.
