
Ghana retrogressing because of greed and selfishness among citizens — Kennedy Agyapong

Headlines Kennedy Agyapong
Kennedy Agyapong

Ghanaian politician and business magnate Kennedy Agyapong has attributed the country's sluggish development to widespread selfishness and greed among Ghanaians.

In a statement posted on his official Twitter page spotted by, he expressed his concerns over the detrimental impact these behaviors are affecting national progress.

Kennedy Agyapong, known for his outspoken nature, argued that personal interest over national interest significantly hinders Ghana's growth. “To truly succeed and foster the development of our nation, we must embrace patriotism and selflessness. Our current behavior, marked by selfishness and greed, hinders our progress,” he stated.

He further elaborated that a shift in mindset is crucial for the country’s advancement, urging Ghanaians to change their ways, and promoting a culture of unity and collective effort. “It’s time to change our ways and share the benefits with everyone. Let’s unite for a brighter future for all,” he urged.

Highlighting the importance of communal spirit and national pride, Kennedy Agyapong advised that embracing these values would pave the way for sustainable development for all.

His message is a call to action for all Ghanaians to prioritize the common good over personal gain, fostering a more equitable and progressive society.

Daniel Owusu
Daniel Owusu

News ReporterPage: DanielOwusu
