Fri, 10 May 2024 Social News

Ban the use of tricycles in cattle business to help protect animals - businessman to gov't

By Isaac Kyei Andoh || Contributor
Alhaji Musah AbubakariAlhaji Musah Abubakari

A prominent businessman based in Kumasi, Alhaji Musah Abubakari, has voiced concern over the use of tricycles, known as 'Aboboyaa,' in cattle transportation, calling for government intervention to ban their use in such activities nationwide.

In an exclusive interview, Alhaji Abubakari expressed distress over the mistreatment of domestic animals, particularly cattle, sheep, and goats, by some tricycle riders for business purposes. He highlighted instances where these animals are overcrowded and tightly tied with heavy ropes under scorching sun conditions during transportation to markets.

Furthermore, Alhaji Abubakari raised concerns about neighboring countries exporting cattle into Ghana employing similar inhumane methods during transportation.

He urged the government to prohibit such cruel treatment of animals, emphasizing the importance of religious organizations dedicating time during sermons to educate members on the significance of treating animals with care and compassion, as they are creations of God meant to coexist with humans.

Alhaji Abubakari warned of the escalating cruelties against animals, envisioning a future where animals might retaliate against humans due to mistreatment.

He expressed disappointment witnessing individuals inflict harm on pets, stressing the responsibility of citizens to care for and show love towards animals, even if they are eventually slaughtered for consumption.

Alhaji Abubakari also criticized the mistreatment of cattle during religious festivals, urging Imams to advocate for education on humane treatment before slaughter, as outlined in the Holy Quran.

Highlighting the protective measures enacted by advanced countries for animal welfare, he urged the government to implement similar policies to penalize offenders caught abusing animals' rights.

In conclusion, Alhaji Musa emphasized the correlation between showing love and care towards animals and receiving blessings from God, advocating for wise action to ensure the welfare of all creatures.
