Thu, 23 Mar 2023 Social News

There shouldn't be room to embolden savagery in this day and age — BONABOTO condemns attack on Bolga High Court Judge who fled for safety

There shouldn't be room to embolden savagery in this day and age — BONABOTO condemns attack on Bolga High Court Judge who fled for safety

BONABOTO has condemned the attack on the acting Supervising High Court Judge at Bolgatanga, Justice Alexander Graham by some unknown persons.

They described the attack as barbaric.
In a statement on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, the group say there cannot be room and space to embolden savagery in this day and age.

They call on the Ghana Police Service and other relevant security agencies to go after the perpetrators of such a dastardly act of cowardice and to bring them to book as soon as possible.

On Friday, March 10, 2023, two persons were convicted by the High Court Two for attempting to influence the trial judge.

The two, Chief of Baare, Naab Nyakora Mantii and Richard Sunday Yinbil were convicted of contempt on their own pleas of guilty.

They were charged with contempt when they earlier told Justice Graham in his chamber that they were sent by a chief in their area to invite him to his palace to discuss some mining-related cases before the court.

Justice Graham who found the action by the two persons contemptuous convicted them of contempt and asked them to sign six months bond to be of good behaviour.

Following alleged death threats and attacks at his residence, Justice Alexander Graham has fled and vacated his post.

Since starting work at the High Court, the Judge continuously received death threats in the form of phone calls and text messages from unknown persons.

Kindly read the full statement below:
For Immediate Release
DATE: 21st March, 2023

BONABOTO has read and confirmed with deep shock an attack on the residence of High Court Judge, Alexander Graham, in Bolgatanga by some unknown persons.

We unequivocally condemn without reservations such barbaric acts in this era and call on the Ghana Police Service and other relevant security agencies to set sail their investigative machinery to identify the perpetrators of such dastardly act of cowardice and to bring them to book as soon as possible. There cannot be room and space to embolden savagery in this day and age. While we trust the security agencies to do their job, BONABOTO advises responsible and decorous reportage that is devoid of speculative conclusions on the matter.

Every citizen of our dear country, Ghana, has the right to live and carry out their duties and responsibilities fairly and freely without fear or favour. Where there might be disagreements between parties, BONABOTO strongly frowns on taking the law into one’s own hands and encourage the use of civilised and legitimate means to resolving disputes and discontents.

Prof. Samuel Atintono
(National President)
Mobile: 0206212000
Dr. E. Agurgo Balfour
(Regional Chairman, Upper East)
Mobile: 0553391891

Ngamegbulam Chidozie Stephen
Ngamegbulam Chidozie Stephen

News ContributorPage: apexnewsgh
