04.07.2021 Feature Article

Abuse of the elephant

Abuse of the elephant
04.07.2021 LISTEN

With every call we make
We hurt, deep down we bleed.
With every turn we make,
Every step we take forward,
We take two, even six backward.
The mockery the elephant makes of the law
And the silence it upholds
Bores a hole in our pain
Howling in fits of endless anger,
The hope and anxiety for liberation.
The taxpayers with no clue
they are paying for their lives
to be sent back to death.
The torments of the elephant’s ambition
nailing down helpless victims.
The murderers are our own neighbors
Our own brothers armed to keep us quiet
Their sense of humanity clouded by
their futile loyalty to the elephant.
To those who to keep their heads
keep their peace and pride
Your silence hurts us more than
the flying bullets of our oppressors.
