Wed, 11 Nov 2020 Feature Article

Ivan Kyei Writes....Why Everyone Wants Trump Out!

Ivan Kyei Writes....Why Everyone Wants Trump Out!

It's abundantly clear that Trump before his election as the POTUS had great connections with the GOP party as far back in the early 1980s. His association with the likes of Charles Black, Roger Stones, Paul Manafort, Charles R. Black Jr., and Roy Cohn kept him tailed to the party, even though his involvement with the party was subtle.

Roy Cohn created a powerful link between Trump and the likes of Joseph McCarthy, President Ronald Reagan, and Roger Stone to sustain Trump's GOP identity.

Roy, a scary-looking idealist was a mentor, lawyer, and protégé of Donald Trump, a very intimidating character who was feared by many.

Roy was very instrumental in the election of President Regan and it was not surprising when Nancy Regan in the 1980s called to thank Roy Cohn for making her husband president.

Roy Cohn rose to prominence as a U.S. Department of Justice prosecutor at the espionage trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, which concluded with the Rosenbergs' executions

Roy Cohn in my personal opinion remains the most dangerous, scary, and fearful lawyer in American history

....In the 1980's Trump used to scare people with.. "you will hear from Roy., Roy Cohn was described him as “a snake,” “a scoundrel” and “a new strain of son of a bitch,”.

In Trump's business life, Roy won millions of dollars from the American government through numerous lawsuits in a relentless litigation battle in Manhattan for Donald Trump and his Real Estate Business...

Roy Cohn mentored Trump to become the toughest billionaire on the planet.....

Why Trump is struggling today?

Trump's exposure to these radical idealists molded him into a super tough guy with overstretched ideas about what the GOP party really represents.

This exposure explains why Trump started his political career with anti-establishment rhetorics bashing everyone and everything within Washington including his own GOP leaders...he ultimately switched from the GOP's ( The Republican Party) ideas to Roger Stones and Roy Cohn's appreciation of politics "win-win-win at all cost, fuck anything aside win", a very narrow line of politics that focuses on him alone.

So in 2016 when Trump became the 45th president of the US, he came with an overstretched GOP ideas even though he came in as a moderate conservative with fine Christian convictions, his anti - Washington mentality, weird foreign policy inclinations, anti-establishment rhetorics, and being a proponent of domestication angered many on both sides of the political divide.

There are many who still regard Trump as a president created by Roy Cohn beyond the grave.

Despite his numerous unpalatable rhetorics and weird foreign policy ideas, Trump hasn't lost his conservative touch and remains a prayer Christian, a rabid pro-life ( anti-abortionist ) anti-gay,.anti-transgender and all others forms of sexuality nonsense going in America today.

Now, the reason everyone including his own conservative friends and media wants him out is simple, in 4 years, he has shown no sign of returning to his GOP root or the dictates of the American democracy.

Many especially Republicans believe Donald Trump has swapped the tenets of the GOP for a reinforced Roger Stone and Roy Cohn's style of politics.

Trump presidency undeniably is tainted with ideological extremism, radicalism, harsh rhetorics which are all antithetical to politics in Washington

I'm Ivan and I'm no cynic

Ivan Kyei Innocent / [email protected]
