15.04.2015 Touch Of Thoughts

Essentials Of Successful Life—Know Your Purpose

By ItsMyFootprint
Essentials Of Successful Life—Know Your Purpose
15.04.2015 LISTEN

'Once you discover your purpose, your life takes on a whole new meaning. And you can't wait to wake up each day!'

Why do you do what you do? What is the reason of your existence? What are you trying to achieve with your life? What is the bigger picture to your life? Put it in another way, when you are dead what do you want people to say at your funeral? When your body is in that coffin ready to go six feet underground, what do you want to feel about your life?

Would you want not to be proud of the life you lived? Would you not want to have a big list of good things you achieved? I have news for you. That list doesn't just drop out at your funeral. Actually you can make and write the list from today. You can plan and influence the words that would be said at your funeral right now when you are still living. Do not wait until you are dead!

Discover your God given purpose in life. You purpose is the reason why you are. It is normally the thing you do best. It normally revolves around the unique set of abilities you have and your ability to access things no other person can. Your purpose is composed of things that give you inner satisfaction, the things that define you.

Your purpose is also linked you your identity, your origin, your talents and gifts, as well as your destiny. Research shows that one does not have to change in order to be on top of the league in one's calling, but it has to do with 1) understanding oneself and 2) leverage one's set of skills.

I will illustrate this with my singing and speaking. I am not a gifted singer but good at speaking. Let's say on a scale of 1 to 10; 10 being the highest, mysinging is at level 2. If I put a lot of training, development and empowering into my singing skills, the best I will do is to double my performance and become a level 4singer. This is my best singing I can ever do. This is the best of my best. But if I take my speaking abilities which are at level 6, and do some training, developing and empoweringwith the same effort. I will double this performance, and will end up performing at +10 level. I will end up the best speaker. That's why I do not spend a lot of effort developing my singing skills. The result of my singing development can end up depressing me, but my speaking development motivates me. So discover what you are naturally good at and empower it. These are your strengths.

For the mean time ignore what you are not good at. What will take you to the top is not what you cannot do well, but what you are talented at. It is through your well-developed strengths that you will be remembered! Find your strengths, your gifts and talents, and develop them!

Every person was made by God with a set of unique strengths, gifts and talents. At times you may need to go to school for training, put resources in and take time to sharpen them.

The common question people ask me is 'how can I know my purpose' or 'what I am good at.' There is only one proven way - by doing it!Try a number of things which you think you are good at. Some opinionated people will try to pull you down, maybe not knowing that you have not yet fully developed that area yet. Some will come and judge you and crucify you, but listen to your inner voice.

Note; do not be motivated by external environment like rivalry or to try and prove a point. Sustainable and fulfilling motivation comes from within! Remember no one can know you more than you know yourself. Live your life for yourself, not for someone, not even your parents or sibling rivalry.

You are in-charge of you purpose and destiny.
Have a great day!
' Copyright 2012 by It's My Footprint, .
