08.09.2014 Opinion

A Letter To An Ex Girlfriend

08.09.2014 LISTEN
By John Amoakohene

Bless, I loved you. You were the first person I ever felt real love for. Unfortunately, my feelings for you deepened at the time you were leaving. I did everything just to let you stay because you were my everything- my dreams, hopes, fears and above all, a friend- Do U remember U were my Tigo#1? The times we spent a whole day talking?

Though, there were times I made you cry and I deeply regret it but like all men who deeply loves their ladies, I was determined not to repeat that but it turned out it, quite rudely, you and I were done for good. Even after 2yrs into our split, I still waited every single day just for you to show up in my life again but found out you've happily moved on with someone else. It sunk my heart. I was mercilessly devastated. In fact, I cried for a month. Part of the shock was because I was caught off guard while fantasying about your grand reentry and the delayed happily ever after. I was hurt beyond repair.

There were times I contemplated on taking my own life just because the pain of seeing you say " I love You" to someone else was so unbearable. I stoped watching Yvonne Okoro because she eerily reminded me of you. It was more than hell. Thankfully, I begun to work on myself - started reading, redefined my life and priorities, reformed my views on love and loyalty and above all, forgave myself. It was painful initially but like all difficult things, it gets easier with time.

I'm writing you this long letter not as a manifesto to win you "BACK" but to let you know when I say its been years and I've moved on, I really meant it. I have moved on but I still care for your success, emotional well-being and your overall happiness. A platonic care, a care anyone can access regarldless of how brief your stint in my love train. I'll never celebrate your misfortune or failure or waste my time wishing tragedy to befall you to secure me a transient bliss. Vengeance, Christians say is the Lords.

In every relationship, the so called experts argue that there are two people ; the chaser and the chased. I get it, I was the chaser but after the relationship, I never stopped chasing. But guess what, the chase this time was not a rebound a road you hastily travelled but the protocols and the courage to execute it for a lasting healing.

I know, as you grow up, you'll meet many men but the real ones are rare and those that would love you till the end in good times and in bad times would be vanishingly thin. You don't believe it right, its a brute fact. The fact is, I'm happy I loved you beyond my wildest dreams but I'm more grateful I even had that capacity. A capacity I denied I had before I met you and thought it died along with you.

You called yesterday and the time was 2:20 am. Why? It's the usual old trick - many years, a deeper reflection and perhaps you've been ditched. You wanted to tell me something. Unsurprisingly, an apology. You insisted I accept your apology unconditionally. An apology? Isn't it as you guys say it ; so so so little and so so so late? Seriously ......haha I don't need it.

John Amoakohene
[email protected]
