04.08.2014 Touch Of Thoughts

6 Benefits Of Waiting On God: Isaiah 40.31

By Ferdinard Senyo Lawson, BEFFTA Award-Winning Author
6 Benefits Of Waiting On God: Isaiah 40.31
04.08.2014 LISTEN

Sometimes in life, challenges, trials, hardships, poverty, ill-health and many other things pose hindrances or limitations to our individual dream, vision, purpose, goals, family, education, business and our happiness but it is very important to remain calm in the face of all these hurdles of life. Many of us give up so easily by throwing in the towel, when these moments come crumbling before us or on us.

The question is, what should one do to remain steadfast, unmovable, unshakable and focus on trusting in the 'GOD OF ALL POSSIBLITIES"? Some may even ask that question 'What is or are the benefits of trusting God or waiting on God, for an answer that does not seems to be forthcoming?

Here are some of the benefits of waiting and trusting in the God of all possibilities.

1: Renewing of strength (Mental, Emotional, Physical, Financial, Social)

2: Mounting up (Capacity and Energy) with wings

3: Ability to run with your vision and purpose for your life.

4: NO Weariness but more vitality in the pursuit of your destiny

5: Ability to walk in excellence and power (AUTHORITY)

6: NO Fainting on your assignment and purpose for your life, Ministry, Church, Business, Marriage, Relationship, Family etc......

GOD has the power and ability to help you over these hurdles of life. Just trust in him and you will never be ashamed. Yet.. The storms of life and other many things may come after you but if only you can just hold on and trust God, He will come through for you.

Waiting on God is simple your ability to believe that, he holds and directs your life and without Him, you are nobody. You cannot trust the person you don't know or develop a personal relationship. When you know somebody, it is very easy to build some level of trust with such an individual.

This is the main reason why, we are suppose to develop an intimacy with God to give us that platform to trust him in the face of life challenges or hurdles. In the face of all these, we need to develop our patience and humility to trust in God (THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT: GALATIANS 5: 22-23)


What is limiting your progress in life?

your family?

your work?

your past hurts and failures?

your own self doubts about God?

Your lack of faith that, GOD is with you?

Trust in the power and grace of God to take you through these life challenges.

No amount of your challenges can limit God. It may look as if your challenges are limiting you but hey.... (Numbers 23: 19, Psalm 89.34; Isaiah 14.24 ) they cannot LIMIT YOUR GOD.

If only you can wait on God, trust in him and remain focus in serving him, He is committed in reshaping your destiny and giving you a TOMORROW that will surely make you forget your YESTERDAY. Romans 8.28.

Your God is more than able to do what He has promised you......All you need to do is to wait on him, be patient and trust in Him. Men may sleep over your issues but your God will not sleep on you. STEP UP AND KEEP UP WITH YOUR TRUST IN HIM. YOU ARE DESTINED FOR GREATNESS.

Ferdinard Lawson@6BenefitsoftrustinginGOD2014
