Fri, 13 Oct 2023 Nollywood Exclusive

I want to marry as a virgin — Actor Chidi Dike

I want to marry as a virgin — Actor Chidi Dike

Renowned Nigerian actor Chidi Dike has opened up about his views on sex and relationships.

The actor, best known for his role in the movie "Better Half", revealed his intention to remain holy until marriage in a recent interview.

While many in the industry, per reports, face pressure to engage in sexual relationships to further their careers, Dike said he stance firm on his decision to wait after marriage.

"Though I'm a man, I so much believe in abstinence," Dike said in an interview, adding, “One of my goals is to marry as a virgin too. I'm careful about who I sleep with. May God give me the strength.”

The revelation comes after Dike shared an experience where he was denied a movie role because he refused to sleep with a female producer.

"I thought only women are being exploited in the industry. It was funny to me that a well respected female movie producer denied me a role because I refused to get down with her. I'm pretty young and can't get into such," the actor said.

Isaac Donkor Distinguished
Isaac Donkor Distinguished

News ReporterPage: IsaacDonkorDistinguished
