Tue, 14 May 2024 Economy & Investments

TTAs are very essential to Ghana's economic development – Naa Lamle Orleans-Lindsay

By Beyonce Diamond Kpogli II Contributor
TTAs are very essential to Ghana's economic development – Naa Lamle Orleans-Lindsay

The Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC) has reaffirmed its positive stance on Technology Transfer Agreements in its investment promotion role, saying TTAs are essential for innovation and economic development.

Speaking at the ongoing 3i Africa Summit in Accra on the theme ‘Dialogue on Technology Transfer Agreements and their impact on economic growth, officials of the GIPC maintained that the Centre encourages TTAs to facilitate technology transfer between foreign and local enterprises.

Head of Legal Division at the GIPC, Naa Lamle Orleans-Lindsay, Esq. stressed that the Centre required registration of TTAs to ensure compliance with Ghanaian laws and regulations.

She said GIPC would within its remit encourage local businesses to rise to the challenge when it comes to partnerships with foreign firms.

Naa Lamle Orleans-Lindsay emphasized the importance of fostering a conducive environment for such collaborations, highlighting the need for robust intellectual property frameworks and legal mechanisms to protect the rights of all parties involved.

Naa Lamle Orleans-Lindsay reiterated the GIPC's commitment to facilitating and regulating TTAs, underscoring their role as catalysts for driving Ghana's prosperity in the digital age.

Technology Transfer Agreements (TTAs) serve as conduits for knowledge exchange, fostering innovation and bolstering Ghana's technological capabilities. By enabling the transfer of skills, expertise, and intellectual property, TTAs empower local industries to harness cutting-edge technologies and adapt them to the Ghanaian context. This exchange not only drives economic growth but also strengthens the nation's competitive advantage in the global market.

Moreover, TTAs play a vital role in bridging the gap between academia and industry, facilitating collaborations that translate research breakthroughs into tangible products and services.
