Wed, 01 Dec 2021 Feature Article

A Quick Note To The President Of The AfDB

A Quick Note To The President Of The AfDB

Dear Mr. Akinwumi Adesena,

I write to appeal to you, to order an independent investigation, into the unfortunate impasse in the operations of B-BOVID.

The impasse arises from the shabby attempt by the Banque Edmond de Rothschild Group's Moringa, to take over B-BOVID, by edging out its brilliant founder, Issa Ouedraogo, despite the fact that the relationship (between all the stakeholders, in what is a social enterprise, whose win-win climate-resilient business model, empowers its value-chain's hitherto marginalised smallholder farmer-stakeholders, to bootstrap their way out of the brutish-hellish-trap, which endemic rural poverty, represents) ought to be equitable and inclusive.

Sir, every pan-Africanist alive today, feels some pride, in the undeniable fact that you have successfully transformed the AFDB (against fierce-pushback from Africa's many secret and hypocritical ill-wishers), into an instrument-of-change, for the provision of concessionary longterm capital, to fund the modernisation and expansion, of the continent's infrastructure, and empower our brightest and best entrepreneurs, to create wealth that remain locally, and generate jobs galore.

You are also noted for being a stickler for corporate good governance principles, and for your abhorance against the high-level corruption holding back rapid GDP growth of the continent's national economies.

It in light of that, that I am appealing to you (not to take sides, but), to order an independent investigation into the unfortunate impasse, which arise from the egregious ruinous-actions, and negligence-causing-inactions, of Moringa, in a social enterprise relationship that by definition ought to be anchored on the bedrock good-governance-principle of duty-of-care, at all material times, but, which sadly, is a management-ethos that has never been demonstrated, by Moringa, thus far.


Kind regards,

