
Having one hit-song after 20-years makes you worthless of my attention — Strongman jabs Rap Fada

Industry News Strongman left and Rap Fada
Strongman [left] and Rap Fada

Ghanaian rapper Strongman has reacted to claims made by Rap Fada regarding his mentorship in the music industry, dismissing them as baseless and unworthy of attention.

In an interview on Accra-based Kingdom FM, Rap Fada asserted that he had tutored Strongman during the early stages of his music career.

However, in an interview on Kumasi-based Angel FM, Strongman swiftly refuted the claims, questioning the credibility of Rap Fada who took 20 years to achieve only one hit song.

"Someone who spent 20 years in the music industry to achieve just one hit song cannot claim to be my tutor," Strongman asserted.

Strongman went on to criticize Rap Fada for his purported arrogance and failure to acknowledge the successes of others.

He suggested that “individuals who constantly seek to assert superiority over their peers often struggle to make significant strides in their careers.”

"I think he is still inexperienced in the music business," Strongman remarked dismissively. "For someone who managed to produce only one hit song after two decades in the industry, he is not worthy of my attention," he added.

Strongman further challenged Rap Fada to reconsider his stage name, questioning the authenticity of his claim to the title of a rapper.

He argued that Rap Fada's lack of notable achievements, such as nominations for Rap Artist of the Year, called into question his credibility as a legitimate rapper.

Gideon Afful Amoako
Gideon Afful Amoako

News ReporterPage: GideonAffulAmoako
