Fri, 08 Mar 2024 Lifestyle

Happy International women's day-woman roar !

Happy International women's  day-woman roar !

As Genesis 3:20 tells us, "Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all living." Created from Adam's rib to be his helper, women are a vital part of humanity. The rib protects vital organs, and without it, a man would be vulnerable. In the same way, women provide strength and support, helping the world stand tall and protecting life while nurturing it.

Women are fearfully and wonderfully made in God's image, the mothers of all living things. May you never be deceived by whispers (of the serpent or anyone else) that you are unworthy. Remember, God's word declares your immense value. This world cannot function without your life-giving and protective capabilities.

Women are often unfairly portrayed as seductresses or sirens, confined to limiting expectations. They've been seen as toys, servants, wish-fulfillers for men, and mothers who have no needs of their own. But ladies, we are so much more than that!

We girls need to stick together. Unfortunately, due to negative ideas about women, some find themselves stuck in unhealthy roles, competing with other women over men, jobs, or territory. This scarcity mindset makes them see other women as rivals. They become like frightened chickens, resorting to bullying tactics to climb the pecking order.

Some women even become like isolated snakes, resorting to deception and venom to get ahead.

However, women are called to a greater purpose. Like female elephants, we should stand by our families, offering protection, support, and shared responsibilities. We shouldn't fight over trivial things. Similarly, female orcas (killer whales) work together, protecting and loving each other.

Remember the powerful image of the lioness. She embodies calmness, serenity, and boldness. She can fiercely protect herself and her pride, yet shows immense love for the other females. There's no envy or competition; they work as a team. Let's embrace the lioness within us – her beauty, boldness, self-confidence, tenacity, and belief that anything is possible. With that spirit, we can learn to love and support other women, lifting each other up instead of tearing each other down.

May you find your roar! and celebrate the magnificent essence of womanhood!

Akosua Tuntum Nahana
Akosua Tuntum Nahana

News ContributorPage: TuntumNahanaAkosua
