Tue, 30 Apr 2024 Article

Inaction Could Ultimately Doom Liberia

By Thomas Q Harris
Inaction Could Ultimately Doom Liberia

The current out-of-control madness that's propelling systematic disintegration of Liberia is due primarily to exploitation of the uninformed masses by greedy, unscrupulous, unpatriotic individuals whose singular objective is power at any cost. They use ill-gotten wealth to incite the most vulnerable segments of the population while sowing seeds of division and confusion. This is dangerous and destructive to say the least.

Under the guise of democracy, power-hungry mambas have attacked our collective values, thereby creating fear and confusion. Liberians in general seem unaware of who we are as a people. We no longer cherish our proud history of effective leadership within the global community. The country unfortunately has become a haven of lawlessness where rules and guardrails are nonexistent. Nothing is sacrosanct anymore. It's high time the silent majority rise up and fight to restore our dignity and national pride.

We are currently engulfed in an existential war.

In the 2017 Elections, the vast majority of Liberians believed and trusted Mr George Weah. As a result, they facilitated his greatest personal achievement - the Liberian Presidency.

How did Mr Weah respond to this high honour?

As President, Weah turned the country over to unpatriotic, selfish, greedy, inept individuals who within a period of 72 months effectively erased all critical post-war gains. Those responsible for his victory at the polls were made to appear foolish as Weah sang and danced at the time Liberia needed a firm, visionary, decisive leader. The very hardship his supporters are now protesting against are due in large part to ineffective, highly incompetent leadership and gross mismanagement by the Weah administration.

Mr Weah dramatically increased hardship within the country by allowing corruption rise to unprecedented levels.

Is it realistic that within three months, the current President would be responsible for the myriad of issues negatively impacting the citizens? Absolutely not! These undoubtedly are the footprints of President Weah. It's high time he recognizes and accepts his errors and shortcomings.

George Weah's government promoted and encouraged chaos, violence and indiscipline like none other. Those who are now celebrating and calling for his return to the Presidency would like a continuation of the madness to the detriment of the entire nation. They also are opposed to actions intended to improve living conditions. Seemingly, these individuals are deeply traumatized to the extent that recovery might be impossible. If timely actions are not taken, Liberia most likely will lose at least 2 more generations before sanity and stability are restored.

There are some who often describe the prevailing chaos as "Evolution of Democracy". Do not be deceived. It isn't!

Democracy can only evolve after it has been integrated within the larger society. What's obtaining in Liberia at the moment is Organized Chaos of desperately impoverished people who have no concept of or interest in building a true democracy. This is evidenced by the consistent practice of buying and selling voters' registration cards and willingness to pay or accept money to register and vote outside one's respective constituency; thereby desecrating the sanctity of elections nationwide. The destructive behavior of politicians, elected officials, and the citizens in general are examples of the prevailing dysfunctional socio-political culture.

Moreover, Liberia's pathetic underdevelopment after almost two centuries of sovereignty speak volumes. The current assembly of mercenary citizens have absolutely no respect or appreciation for democracy. They only seek momentary gratification and temporal pleasures.

Should the madness persists, generations of Liberians shall be deprived of true democracy. And there is the real possibility that a charismatic dictator could emerge and seize control of the country, claiming to restore order and save lives. Such decisive action might receive overwhelming approval from a desperate people. Given Liberia's current pace of disintegration, these speculations could very well become reality sooner than later. Experts have warned that Liberia is susceptible to renewed violence.
