Mon, 16 Oct 2023 Celebrity

NPP is intolerant of free speech; Mahama was far better— A Plus

NPP is intolerant of free speech; Mahama was far better— A Plus

Entertainment pundit and political activist has accused the New Patriotic Party (NPP) of being intolerant of free speech.

According to A Plus, there have been numerous instances where members of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) accused former President John Dramani Mahama but are now doing the worst.

A Plus said that the previous Mahama government permitted free expression to flourish without resorting to violence.

He strongly condemned the United Television Showbiz invasion by some NPP supporters, accusing the party of being intolerant of different viewpoints.

Speaking at a discussion on the United Television (UTV) platform, A Plus stated, “There are so many people who said Atta Mills is a thief. When Mills died, John Mahama was accused, in this country called Ghana and NPP people led the conversation that Mills was killed by Mahama."

“The day Mahama's mother died, someone was premiering a Ford expedition scandal, that Mahama took a bribe. He was the president of Ghana and the journalist lived here and went about his business,” A Plus stated.

Sebastian Sedekah Akaho-Tay
Sebastian Sedekah Akaho-Tay

News ReporterPage: SebastianSedekahAkahoTay
