
Boom!!! Diamond Platnumz Baby mama Zari Hassan’s new boyfriend is Dark Stallion

By nollywood gists
Couples/Break-ups Boom!!! Diamond Platnumz Baby mama Zari Hassans new boyfriend is Dark Stallion

South Africa-based Ugandan socialite cum businesswoman Zari Hassan, after she parted ways with music star Diamond Platnumz, has just gone into a fresh relationship with Nigerian prince Jerry Ebyherithei Jerry who is popularly known as “Dark Stallion”.

Dark Stallion, a Nigerian prince who has been doing tremendously well in Johannesburg, South Africa for quite a while is believed to not be a social media guy.

Zari’s new love is confirmed to be in Real estate in Eastern and Southern African. Findings of him revealed him to be a mineral broker and a youth development consultant.

For quite some time, Zari who is a socialite hasn’t been so lucky with relationships especially after she parted ways with her ex-husband – Diamond Platnumz, but the love that ensued between her and Dark Stallion seems to be one from heaven.

Research further revealed that the relationship between Zari and Jerry is waxing stronger day by day as the two lovers are obeying every rule of a successful relationship between each other.

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