Thu, 16 May 2024 Article

The Cedi has broken jail again: Can Bawumia arrest it?

By Samuel Adomako, PhD
The Cedi has broken jail again: Can Bawumia arrest it?

In the dynamics of Ghana's economic narrative, one recurring thread continues to capture the nation's collective attention: the enduring devaluation of the Ghanaian cedi against the US dollar. Once again, the cedi has slipped from its moorings, prompting a flurry of concerns among citizens who are left wondering whether Vice President Bawumia can uphold the promises he made during the 2016 election campaign.

Back in 2016, Mahamudu Bawumia emerged as a beacon of hope for Ghana's economic challenges as the vice-presidential candidate. With resolute assurances, he vowed to rein in the cedi's volatile fluctuations against the dollar, offering a vision of stability and prosperity for the nation. His promises resonated deeply with many Ghanaians who were weary of the cedi's unpredictable movements and the adverse impact it had on their daily lives. Fast forward to the present, and the cedi's volatility continues to dominate headlines, casting doubt on the efficacy of Bawumia's assurances and the effectiveness of various economic policies implemented. Despite the Vice President's efforts, the cedi's value remains precarious, subject to erratic swings that test the nation's economic resilience.

Critics are quick to highlight the growing chasm between promises and reality. Bawumia's commitments to stabilize the cedi appear increasingly elusive as the currency's value fluctuates against the dollar. Doubts linger over whether the Vice President's strategies effectively address the root causes of the cedi's instability or merely offer short-term fixes that fail to provide lasting solutions.

The recent devaluation of the cedi underscores the complex nature of managing Ghana's economy. Global market dynamics, trade imbalances, and internal economic policies all exert influence on the cedi's trajectory. While Bawumia may have noble intentions and ambitious plans, stabilizing the cedi requires a comprehensive approach that addresses these underlying factors holistically. Moreover, the cedi's volatility exacts a tangible toll on everyday Ghanaians, impacting the cost of living, business operations, and investor confidence, thereby affecting the nation's overall economic growth and development. The stakes are high, and there is an urgent need to find sustainable solutions.

As Vice President Bawumia grapples with the challenge of halting the cedi's devaluation against the dollar, he faces mounting pressure to deliver on his commitments. Ghanaians are watching closely, hoping for tangible progress that translates into genuine economic stability and prosperity for all. Amidst these economic challenges, Vice President Bawumia appears to distance himself from the woes of the current NPP administration. He continues to promise to fulfill what the current administration could not achieve, despite holding the position of vice president. The question arises: what prevents him from taking action now? Why wait for the future to implement policies and initiatives that could address the nation's economic woes?

The failure of the current NPP administration has proven detrimental to Bawumia's political standing, as he struggles to distance himself from the poor policies and decisions that have contributed to the economic downturn. Despite being in office for the past 7.5 years, what new strategies or initiatives does Bawumia propose that he has not already attempted during his tenure as vice president?

As the upcoming elections loom, the Ghanaian people are left to ponder whether they can believe Bawumia's promises and entrust him with the mandate to rule Ghana. Will he be able to deliver on his pledges for economic stability and prosperity, or are they simply empty rhetoric aimed at securing votes? Only time will tell as Ghanaians weigh their options and consider the future of their nation.
