
Voter registration: Always check to avoid 2020 election results errors — Kwamena Duncan cautions EC

Elections Voter registration: Always check to avoid 2020 election results errors —Kwamena Duncan cautions EC

The recent computation errors made by the Electoral Commission (EC) during the ongoing limited registration exercise have prompted caution from Kwamena Duncan, a seasoned politician and former Central Regional Minister.

The EC's acknowledgement of errors in the total number of registered persons across Ghana's sixteen regions has raised concerns among the public and garnered criticism from various quarters.

Notably, journalist Kwesi Pratt expressed frustration at the apparent inability of the electoral body to perform simple arithmetic, questioning its competence and reliability.

“Is the Electoral Commission saying that they cannot do simple addition? A whole electoral body like the Electoral Commission cannot do a simple addition. How can Ghanaians repose confidence in you?

“This is just a registration exercise which has been characterised by abysmal happenings. What then will they do about the general elections when it is held?

"These errors in the results by the Electoral Commission, how do you explain it? We’ve gone to register names. We have the tallies - simple addition, the Electoral Commission cannot do it…I can’t understand this… a whole Electoral Commission cannot do addition. There is no subtraction, division or multiplication and you can’t do this,” Kwesi Pratt expressed.

However, reflecting on events during the 2020 elections and subsequent Supreme Court petition, Kwamena Duncan emphasised the importance of due diligence and accuracy in the EC's operations.

He commended the EC for swiftly rectifying errors during the current registration exercise but urged caution to prevent similar incidents in the future.

"It should not happen because of history, because of what has happened before. Anything and everything we need to do to avoid it, we must do it. So, you should double check, triple check, quadruple check; all of those levels should be done," Kwamena Duncan stated while reacting to the issue on Peace FM’s “Kokrokoo” morning show.

Gideon Afful Amoako
Gideon Afful Amoako

News ReporterPage: GideonAffulAmoako
