
Check out Al Jazeera English’s ‘Secrets of the Clergy’— it sheds light on child abuse and journalistic integrity

By Richmond Acheampong II Contributor
International Check out Al Jazeera Englishs Secrets of the Clergy— it sheds light on child abuse and journalistic integrity

In an era where investigative journalism is increasingly under scrutiny, Al Jazeera English has once again reaffirmed its position as a trailblazer in the field with its documentary “Secrets of the Clergy”. The prestigious Wilbur Award bestowed upon this groundbreaking piece by the Religion Communicators Council serves as not only a validation of journalistic excellence but also a recognition of the vital role media plays in uncovering societal injustices.

“Secrets of the Clergy” courageously delves into the harrowing issue of child sexual abuse within religious communities, shedding light on the glaring gaps in mandatory reporting laws in the United States. The documentary exposes a sobering reality: in many states, church officials are not obligated to report instances of child abuse, leaving victims without recourse and perpetrators shielded from accountability.

Brad Pomerance, the Wilbur Award coordinator for the Religion Communicators Council, aptly captured the significance of honoring exceptional work like “Secrets of the Clergy”. His emphasis on the necessity of upholding quality, compassion, and professionalism in faith and religion coverage underscores the documentary’s profound impact.

Kavitha Chekuru, Senior Producer of Fault Lines, expressed heartfelt gratitude for the recognition, attributing the documentary’s success to the bravery of those who shared their stories, particularly survivors of abuse. This acknowledgment underscores the documentary’s commitment to amplifying marginalized voices and holding powerful institutions accountable.

Issa Ali, Acting Managing Director of Al Jazeera English, echoed these sentiments, extending sincere congratulations to the team for their unwavering dedication to delivering unbiased perspectives on critical global issues. This recognition not only affirms Al Jazeera English’s journalistic integrity but also highlights its commitment to advancing dialogue and understanding on sensitive topics.

Founded in 1929, the Religion Communicators Council has long been a champion of effective communication within faith-based organizations. The Wilbur Awards, established in 1949, honour excellence in secular media, making it all the more significant for "Secrets of the Clergy" to be recognized among esteemed recipients such as CBS News, AP and CBC.

Al Jazeera English’s track record of journalistic excellence is undeniable, with “Secrets of the Clergy” adding to a distinguished list of accolades. Previous recognition includes a Wilbur Award in 2020 for “In Bad Faith” and multiple News and Documentary Emmy awards, Overseas Press Club Awards, and Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Awards. These accolades underscore Al Jazeera English’s unwavering commitment to human rights reporting and its pivotal role in shaping global discourse.
