
I’ll appeal court ruling on my suspension — Janet Nabla

  Mon, 08 Apr 2024
PNC Ill appeal court ruling on my suspension — Janet Nabla

The suspended General Secretary of the People’s National Convention (PNC), Janet Nabla, has rejected the court's decision to uphold her suspension from the position.

Ms Nabla expressed her belief that justice and fairness were not upheld in the ruling.

This development follows the High Court’s decision on April 8, 2024, to uphold the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the party’s resolution to indefinitely suspend her as the General Secretary.

During an interview on Eyewitness News with Umaru Sanda Amadu, the suspended General Secretary questioned the impartiality of the process.

She asserted that the party’s presidential candidate, David Apasera, personally drafted the petition and ensured that it was ruled in his favour.

“What did the court rule on? The court said that two people petitioned Apasera and I also added my petition to it and for that matter, the suspension goes. Meanwhile, Apasera wrote the petition himself and became a judge in the petition.

“Apasera doesn't know anything about that constitution and we will not agree to the ruling. Because we don't believe justice and fairness was applied to this ruling,” she stated.

The suspension of Janet Nabla was enforced on August 28, 2021, due to allegations of gross misconduct, insubordination, and incompetence. Nabila had previously rejected the decision following the recommendations of the Disciplinary Committee of the party.

